We’re looking to brighten up the web site with some photo’s. So we’re the first ACT Vets photo comp!
The winners will have their photo’s used on the new Vets web site. Winners will be announced at the AGM, Monday 3rd April 2017
- Members photos may be used by the club for promotional purposes. Please contact me if you do not want a photograph of you to be used.
- When you’re photographing members, consider giving them a heads up at the start of the race.
- Photos must be posted to the club’s Facebook group. Please be aware that the user agreement with Facebook requires you to grant the rights to the photo to Facebook.
- Feel free to use effects such as blurring to add extra impact.
- Use your best 5 photos if you have that many – but don’t go overboard.
- Extra consideration given to photographing the clubs lesser known activities (i.e. road, marshaling, admin and track)!
- The most likes won’t necessarily win… but they will be considered!
We’re not looking for the worlds best photos, just shots that promote the club in the best light.
Dougal Torrance
ACT Veterans Cycling Club.