Hello Vets,
In the Bleat this week;
- Pedal Power – Traffic Controller Course
- Racing this Week
- Race Report
Please send me your contributions at: TheBleat@actvets.cc
Ian Morton
Pedal Power – Traffic Controller Course
Pedal Power ACT, in association with Roads ACT have scheduled a FREE Traffic Controller Course for the Cycling clubs and Community of the ACT for the past three years. Roads ACT have once again enabled FREE access to this training for two more dates in 2017.
The Traffic Controller training that is provided meets the NSW and the ACT requirements and provides the appropriate qualification to allow a registered person to control traffic at cycling (and other) events.
The Traffic Controller Training courses will be held for free for Canberra cycling clubs and cycling organisations in July and again in November. Spaces are limited for each training course.
Fully subsidised by Roads ACT these courses have been organised to assist in minimising costs on cycling clubs and organisations and help train volunteers, or club appointed marshals to fulfil the traffic controller duties at cycling events. We urge you to make use of this generous offer and assist your club and the broader cycling community by having more trained and skilled operators available for club and open events in the ACT. Please note ALL registrants must have a current driver’s license.
Course 2
Dates: Saturday 11 November
Time: Full day of training 8:30-5:30 pm
Location: Canberra Ave, Fyshwick
Cost: Free
To register please go to:
Any problems or concerns please let me know.
Kindest Regard,
Stephanie Sleen | Program and Events Manager
I work Mondays (9-5) Tuesdays (9-2:30) and Fridays (9-5)
Ph: 02 6248 7995
Pedal Power ACT
Level 2 Griffin Centre, 20 Genge Street, Canberra City ACT | GPO Box 581, Canbera ACT, 2601
- Marshals are critical to the survival of our racing schedule as we simply cannot conduct races safely without them. Please note the policy on members marshalling a race a year to support club races athttps://actvets.cc/racing-with-us/marshal-schedule/. Note that members should not leave it to the last minute to try and find a replacement if they can’t make their allotted marshaling duty.
Dougal Torrance
President, ACT Veterans Cycling
Saturday, 12th August: Dog Trap Rd Murrumbateman Memorial Secret Handicap
Where: Intersection of Dog Trap Rd and Longrail Gully Rd.
When: 1:30 pm.
Sign on: 15 mins before scheduled start time wearing your registered number.
Race Description:
Secret Handicap – 2 laps (44 km)
Race Director: Paul Robey Contact: Email: paul.robey3@gmail.com Ph 0413480241
Marshals: Andrew Murrell, Simon Junakovic, Peter Young, Ian Mongan, Graham Tanton
Upcoming Marshall Roster
The nominated marshals for upcoming events are;
- 19/8 – Ian Mongan, John Paul De Souza (ATC). Plus we need 2 x more ATC’s for this event. Please advise Ben Davis (bdavis@internode.on.net) if you are able to assist.
- 26/8 – Wayne Shippley
- 2/9 – Troy Cassell, Kevin Wells, Matt Dyne, Andrew O’Neil, Craig Tozer
Lookout Hill Time Trial – 5th August
I had grave doubts that the time trial at Lookout Hill would proceed on Saturday given the high winds and consistent showers rolling through during the morning. However we had 19 riders turn up eager to test their metal against the clock.
Unfortunately we were without authorised turn marshals so there was quite a bit of toing and froing trying to determine whether we would race or not. Eventually Tony Weir and Rob Langridge gave up their rides to work on the turn points. A big thanks to these two as we would not have had a race otherwise. After the delay it was a rush to put out the appropriate road signage consistent with the race plan (a big thanks to Michael Faulk who was driving up and down the road fixing signage). Due to the rush the course was actually 1km shorter than advertised. I’m not sure if the riders were happy about this or not…..
We got away about 15 mins later than scheduled with riders heading downwind towards Tharwa for approximately 3.5kms, turning around and rolling down Lookout Hill for a further 1.5kms heading towards Point Hut Crossing Road. Word from the road was the downwind runs were extremely quick with a number of riders “spinning out” heading towards the Tharwa turn doing in excess of 60km/h. Most riders chose not to stay in the areo position heading down Lookout Hill as there were a couple of nasty wind gusts pushing bikes around. The downwind push back to Lookout Hill must of helped riders although most faces were showing pain after the climb was finished.
Overall we had 7 out of 19 riders beating their age standard, a fantastic achievement in such challenging conditions. Only one rider failed to finish after suffering a flat tyre less than a km from the start line. Race results are available in the RMS.
Thank you to the people that helped out on the day. As mentioned before Tony and Rob for looking after the turns, Stephen Isabel for putting up and taking down the road signage and keeping Rob company at the southerly turn, and Jan Koehler and Graham Hendrie for making sure riders got away in order and were timed correctly. Remember that we don’t have racing without the assistance of volunteers.
Rohan Verco