Hello Vets,
Happy New Year and welcome to 2018. Looking forward to another great year of racing. Don’t forget, before you can start racing, you need to ensure you are registered for this year. In this week’s Bleat;
- Registration Renewal for 2018
- Racing this Week
Please send me your contributions at: TheBleat@actvets.cc
Ian Morton
Registration Renewal for 2018
Note: For new members who registered after 1 Oct 2017, your membership is valid up until the end of 2018.
2018 membership renewals are due. To renew, go to https://memberdesq.sportstg.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=main&OrgID=10244 or follow the prompts via our website www.actvets.cc. Click on the Login link and enter the username and password from last year. If you have forgotten your login and password , after clicking on ‘login’ – go to the tab at the top right hand side of the screen and click on ‘Username & Password’ – then forward your email address as requested in the box that will appear. SportsTG will then forward you the information.
You need to renew your membership prior to your first race in 2018.
As a courtesy to those committee members who work hard to ensure the club complies with the terms of our insurance cover and also produce the race results, please renew your membership at least 2 days prior to racing. Membership costs are:
- A full competitive membership for 2018 is $110
- A full competitive membership for a sight impaired tandem cyclist for 2018 is $95
- Non competitive membership for 2018 is $5
Upon renewal, your 2018 licence will be emailed to you direct from SportsTG. Please print out a copy and it is suggested that you laminate it or place it in plastic for future reference during the year ahead. You will need to show this licence if you enter events run by other Veteran Cycling Clubs or the AVCC.
Please ensure that your personal particulars are always kept up to date, in particular your emergency contact details. For those members with First Aid qualifications please also update the site. It is a member’s responsibility to keep these updated via the SportsTG website.
Kirsti McVay
Membership Secretary
Tuesday, 2nd January: Stromlo Criterium
Where: Stromlo Forest Park
Sign on: 15 mins before scheduled start time wearing your registered number.
Race Description:
A/C 5:50 A 45m+2, C 40m+2
B/D 6:40 B 45m+2, D 40m+2
E/FG 7:30 30 min + 2 laps
Race Director: Rohan Verco Contact: Email: Rohan.Verco@gmail.com Ph 0419730555
Track Racing
Track Racing resumes on 10 January.
Road Racing
Road Racing will resume on the 4th February.