Gunning 2 Day 5-6 May

Preparations are underway for the Gunning 2 day race. Online entry will be available as soon as NSW Police have given their approvals for the race.

This year, the 1st day’s prologue 5km time trail and 50km road race will be run from Breadalbane. We are looking to have a quicker turn around between the end of the time trial and the start of the road race. KOM sprint points will remain at the top of the range as per last year.

Facilities at Breadalbane are limited so you will need to bring your own provisions. The second day will be run from Gunning as per last year.

Further information will be given in upcoming Bleats.

Race Directors and Marshals required for upcoming races

The new race committee met last night and discussed the need for race directors and marshals for upcoming races.

Race directors are required for all upcoming races. The task is not onerous, there is documentation on what is required, and there are other experienced club members to help out novice directors. Payment is offered to all Race Directors for road races.

Marshals are required at turn points, start/finish and to drive lead/trailing vehicles in NSW.

Payment is offered to vehicle drivers. In the ACT, only qualified Event Traffic Controllers (ETCs) can manage on-road traffic. A separate request has gone out to ETCs seeking their assistance in marshalling at the scheduled ACT races. Due to their limited numbers, ETCs will be reserved for ACT races only and paid for their contribution.

Gunning 2 day on 5-6 May is a major event and we will require an experienced race director to manage this.

All volunteers at Gunning will be offered reimbursement.

The committee is currently calling for volunteers to meet these requirements. If we do not receive sufficient volunteers, we will approach members who have been racing regularly and who have not directed or marshalled in the last year. We cannot race without directors and enough marshals.

Below is a list of upcoming races and marshals (excluding ETCs). Please note that this list has been updated since Monday’s Bleat.

Date Event Marshals Required marshals
excluding ETCs
7th April Cooma Tess McLachlan, Jarrod Cook, Kevin Wells 2
14th April Uriarra Peter Young 1
21st April Lookout Hill Brian Chugg 1
28th April Orroral Valley Bruce Jones 1
5th& 6th May Gunning   10 each day
12th May Smiths Rd/Apollo TT Rainer Wilton 1
19th May Dog Trap Rd Daniel Grillo, Peter Klein 3
2nd June Old Federal Highway Bernie Crowe, Adam Potts, Alwyn Chilver, Steve Crispin 2
16th June Pierces Creek Chris Short 1
23rd June Honeysuckle Creek Michael Carr 1
30th June Lookout Hill Ben Healy 1




Ian McVay
Race Committee