Hello Vets,

In this week’s Bleat;

  • Gunning 2 Day
  • ETC Payments
  • Insurance Matters
  • From the Desk of the Handicapper
  • Indoor Winter training for Vets
  • Interstate Events
  • Racing this Week
  • Race Reports

Please send me your contributions at: TheBleat@actvets.cc

Ian Morton

Gunning 2 Day

Dear Members,

GOOD NEWS! We have Race Approval from the NSW Police so the Gunning 2 Day Event is on. There will be a Special Bleat sent out tonight with all the details.

As you may know, I am the race Director for the whole weekend. Whilst some lovely people have volunteered their time already I still need 5 people for Saturday and Sunday. It’s only a half day with lunch on Sunday in the picturesque hamlet of Gunning. Please email me at president@actvets.cc if you can assist.

Please come and helped out or alternatively come and race the challenging course. It’s an awesome weekend of racing all for the paltry price of $20.


Dougal Torrance
ACT Veterans Cycling Club

ETC Payments

The Committee have decided to increase the payments to Event Traffic Controllers (ETCs) for ACT events to $100 to bring it into line with other clubs.

Insurance Matters

Some of you might remember the Franklin v Blick cases over the past three or so years, involving two cyclists riding home together but colliding with each other on State Circle. Mr Blick was found liable for Mr Franklin’s severe injuries, consequential effects, and costs, totalling $1.7m. We don’t know whether and to what extent Mr Blick’s insurance covered this.

Another recent judgement in the ACT Supreme Court (Luongo v Clarke http://courts.act.gov.au/supreme/judgments/luongo-v-clarke) serves as a reminder to assess your own insurance coverage for riding activities, including the coverage provided by the AVCC’s policy.

The case involved Mr Clarke descending Red Hill on his bike, colliding with a pedestrian, Ms Luongo, near the fork in the road to the golf club. While the pedestrian was found to be significantly responsible for her own injuries, Mr Clarke was still left with a nasty damages and costs award against him (plus his own damages). Again, we don’t know whether and to what extent Mr Clarke’s insurance (if any) covered this. Nor do we know if either Mr Clarke or Ms Luongo will appeal the decision.

It’s unlikely that Clarke would appeal. But, just in case …

If you have any questions about the AVCC policy, direct them to the AVCC Secretary, Mel Davies (mel.davies@uwa.edu.au), with a copy to your President, Dougal Torrance (president@actvets.cc).


Ian Albrey

From the Desk of the Handicapper

There are no handicap promotions this week.

Indoor Winter training for Vets

The Club has secured the coaching services of the highly credentialed coach, Michael Aisbitt to run a weekly indoor training session for an hour or so on Tuesday nights at 6:30 commencing Tuesday 22 May.

Michael used to run these sessions for Vikings and many Vets riders know already how useful these sessions are to get you in peak condition for the Summer crits or track. They will also supplement training for the Winter Road season.

Michael is a 10 times Australian champion in events as varied as 750m sprint to the 100km team time trial. He is also a 3 times World Champion and a level 2 NCAS accredited road and track cycling coach.

These sessions aren’t to be missed. The club has booked a large hall at Weston which can hold many riders. Riders from A to G grade are welcome and riders in the lower grades should not be put off as the sessions accommodate all fitness levels.

More information to come in the following weeks through the Bleat and the Facebook site. Any questions contact Bruce Griffin on 0402 000619 or griffy996@gmail.com.

Interstate and Local Events

  • Giro d’Canberra
    20 May 2018
    • Want to take on the challenge? The ride features 2500 metre climbs and 130km of stunning Canberra Brindabella countryside
    • Cycling is powering ahead in Canberra
    • Giro d’ Canberra is in its third year and growing
    • Lots of interest from Sydney based riders
    • Get in on the early stages of a growing annual event
    • A chance to promote your community cycling activities
    • Fully supported ride with vehicles and food stations
    • Organised by the Rotary Club of Woden Daybreak

    Entries:www.GirodCanberra.gofundraise.com.au. For further information: Barry Welsby Mob: 0413729951 EMail: welsbw@internode.on.net.



Saturday and Sunday, 5th and 6th May: Gunning 2 Day

Please check the Special Bleat for details.

Upcoming Marshal Roster

Please check the following table of allocated officials. If you are unavailable on your allocated date, please arrange to organise a swap with another rider and advise the race committee (race.committee@actvets.cc).

ETCs: Thank you to the positive response I received from ETCs to volunteer for upcoming races. We still need to try and fill spots as per the vacant *s in the marshal list below. Can we please have some more nominations to fill these? If you are yet to complete your ETC training due to the requirement to be mentored, please contact the race committee to organise for one of the club’s mentors to assess you at one of the upcoming ACT races.

Date Event Director Marshals
12th May Smiths Rd/Apollo TT Paul Scherl Rainer Wilton, Tony Weir*, David Jukes*
19th May Dog Trap Rd Mark Taylor Daniel Grillo, Peter Klein, Alex Sommariva, Donald de Smet
2nd June Old Federal Highway Linda Stals Bernie Crowe, Adam Potts, Alwyn Chilver, Steve Crispin, Jason Parkes (sans car)
16th June Pierces Creek Brian Holloway Chris Short, Owain Tilley*, Howard Moffat*
23rd June Honeysuckle Creek Paul Robey Michael Carr, Sue Powel*
30th June Lookout Hill Bill Frost Ben Healy, Susan Frost, *, *

* denotes ETC required for ACT races.



Orroral Time Trial – 28th April

The day was perfect for the last preparation race for the Giro d’Gunning, the Orroral Time Trial. Just as the pro’s were using the Tour of Romandy to hone their form for the Giro d’Italia, so the top riders of the Vets club were using this for (hopefully) Gunning next week. While we didn’t have the Eurosport helicopters overhead, nor thankfully the dulcet (and frankly exasperating) tones of Carlton Kirby in commentary, we did have 17 riders keen to attack one of the most difficult time trial courses in Canberra.

A late change to the course which reduced it to a straight run from the campground out to the tracking station and return (twice) made for a distance of about 25km. This reduced the riders exposure to the traffic, and made for a convenient location for Kim Malcolm to complete his mentoring for four bright and shiny new ETC’s.

In the battle for honours, A grade (and fastest time of the day overall) was taken out by Seymour Savell-Boss with a margin of just over a minute from the recently promoted David Dickson. Owain Tilley literally had B grade all to himself, but still did a very good time.

C grade was an outstanding effort by Ross McPherson, who was not only almost 2 minutes faster then Adam Potts and Peter Klein in 2nd and 3rd respectively, but would have won B grade as well. One for the handicapper to note perhaps? C grade also had the largest number of starters, and was quite close between most of the riders, which augurs well for a great battle at Gunning.

D grade was won by Steven Simms from John Flannery and Anthony Beasley, in a time that would have been competitive in C grade.

E grade was taken in an excellent ride by Kirsti McVay from Stjepan Hirsler who had a close battle with Jan Koehler.

The revised course proved to be a safe and fair challenge which, along with the beautiful warm autumnal sunshine and picturesque location made for a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon out. A special thanks to all the marshalls who turned out, especially Rosemary Robinson who volunteered at late notice to do the first aid, and Kim Malcolm who mentored the ETC’s, which will be important for future races throughout the seasons ahead. Also to Graham Hendry and Phil Coulton who turn up most weeks and have the organisation so well nailed down that the race director (me) was mainly just getting in the way!


Mark Harris