Hello Vets,

In this week’s Bleat;

  • Gunning 2 Day
  • Insurance Matters
  • Indoor Winter training for Vets
  • Interstate Events
  • Racing this Week

Please send me your contributions at: TheBleat@actvets.cc

Ian Morton

Gunning 2 Day

The results of the Gunning 2 Day are available at the following link: https://capitalregionmasterscyclingclub.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/2018-gunning-2-day-results1.pdf

Insurance Matters

Some of you might remember the Franklin v Blick cases over the past three or so years, involving two cyclists riding home together but colliding with each other on State Circle. Mr Blick was found liable for Mr Franklin’s severe injuries, consequential effects, and costs, totalling $1.7m. We don’t know whether and to what extent Mr Blick’s insurance covered this.

Another recent judgement in the ACT Supreme Court (Luongo v Clarke http://courts.act.gov.au/supreme/judgments/luongo-v-clarke) serves as a reminder to assess your own insurance coverage for riding activities, including the coverage provided by the AVCC’s policy.

The case involved Mr Clarke descending Red Hill on his bike, colliding with a pedestrian, Ms Luongo, near the fork in the road to the golf club. While the pedestrian was found to be significantly responsible for her own injuries, Mr Clarke was still left with a nasty damages and costs award against him (plus his own damages). Again, we don’t know whether and to what extent Mr Clarke’s insurance (if any) covered this. Nor do we know if either Mr Clarke or Ms Luongo will appeal the decision.

It’s unlikely that Clarke would appeal. But, just in case …

If you have any questions about the AVCC policy, direct them to the AVCC Secretary, Mel Davies (mel.davies@uwa.edu.au), with a copy to your President, Dougal Torrance (president@actvets.cc).


Ian Albrey

Indoor Winter training for Vets

Where: Weston Neighbourhood Hall, Gritten St, Weston (map to follow)

When: every Winter Tuesday commencing 22 May. No need to book or reserve a place, just turn up. Hall opens 6pm. Session starts at 6:30. It’s useful to get there with enough time to set up your bike on the trainer and roll the legs over for 5-10 min prior to the session commencement. The hall is large so space will not be a problem.

What to bring: Bike, trainer (either wind, mag or fluid as long as it has adjustable resistance), front wheel block, yoga mat for underneath trainer (not essential but floor is highly polished and you will have cleats on), towel to collect sweat and I can guarantee there will be plenty, water bottles, cadence sensor (not essential but really useful when cadence drills are happening), bucket!

Length of program: Around 70min with a cool down.

What to expect in program: Each session will be structured with different components so as to practice and work on things such as routines and drills, specific workout for focussed events and energy systems, for example warm up, cool down, pedalling technique, maximum power/speed, vo2 max, lactate threshold and tolerance, pursuit, points race, speed endurance etc.

They will be flexibly delivered and individually driven (*you can only do what you can do*) so as to cater to anyone. Structure will be determined by needs of the participants.

Cost: $10 per session to cover room hire and expert coach. May be revised based on numbers.

Any questions contact Bruce Griffin on 0402 000619 or griffy996@gmail.com.

Interstate and Local Events

  • Giro d’Canberra
    20 May 2018
    • Want to take on the challenge? The ride features 2500 metre climbs and 130km of stunning Canberra Brindabella countryside
    • Cycling is powering ahead in Canberra
    • Giro d’ Canberra is in its third year and growing
    • Lots of interest from Sydney based riders
    • Get in on the early stages of a growing annual event
    • A chance to promote your community cycling activities
    • Fully supported ride with vehicles and food stations
    • Organised by the Rotary Club of Woden Daybreak

    Entries:www.GirodCanberra.gofundraise.com.au. For further information: Barry Welsby Mob: 0413729951 EMail: welsbw@internode.on.net.



Saturday, 12th May: Smiths Rd – Naas Rd Graded Scratch

Where: Follow Naas Road south from Tharwa for about 5 minutes and turn left onto Smiths Rd. Members are to park on the side of Smiths Rd away from the intersection.
When: 1:30 pm.
Sign on: 15 mins before scheduled start time wearing your registered number.
Race Description:
Laps over Mt Tennant spur to Apollo Road and return. 36km for E, F & G (2 laps) and 54km (3 laps) for A, B, C &D

Race Director: Paul Scherl Contact: Email: pascherl@microsoft.com    Ph  0402210804

Marshals: Alex Sommariva, Tony Weir (ETC), David Jukes (ETC).

Race Finishes

At race finishes we have a line where times are recorded and officials try to judge places followed by a chute where riders’ numbers are recorded. Riders should STOP in the finish chute and ensure your number is correctly recorded by the official. Do not ride through, call out your number and expect the official to hear you.

Also, race numbers should be worn on the bottom left of your race jersey, so that they can be easily seen by the officials on the side of the road.

Officials spend an unnecessary amount of time trying to reconcile results and placings. Remember, you may be doing this task at an upcoming race.

Ian McVay
Race Committee


Upcoming Marshal Roster

Please check the following table of allocated officials. If you are unavailable on your allocated date, please arrange to organise a swap with another rider and advise the race committee (race.committee@actvets.cc).

ETCs: Thank you to the positive response I received from ETCs to volunteer for upcoming races. We still need to try and fill spots as per the vacant *s in the marshal list below. Can we please have some more nominations to fill these? If you are yet to complete your ETC training due to the requirement to be mentored, please contact the race committee to organise for one of the club’s mentors to assess you at one of the upcoming ACT races.

Date Event Director Marshals
19th May Dog Trap Rd Mark Taylor Daniel Grillo, Peter Klein, Rainer Wilton, Donald de Smet
2nd June Old Federal Highway Linda Stals Bernie Crowe, Adam Potts, Alwyn Chilver, Steve Crispin, Jason Parkes (sans car)
16th June Pierces Creek Brian Holloway Chris Short, Owain Tilley*, Howard Moffat*
23rd June Honeysuckle Creek Paul Robey Michael Carr, Sue Powell*
30th June Lookout Hill Bill Frost Ben Healy, Susan Frost, Bob Miller*, Elizabeth Lowe*

* denotes ETC required for ACT races.

I am now asking for directors and marshals to help at the following races from July to September. If you haven’t helped at a race in the past year, this is your opportunity. Otherwise the race committee will resume selecting members based on last year’s race attendances.

ETCs: We need to fill 8 spots in the marshal list below. Can we please have some nominations to fill these? Note: as of 30 April 2018, ETCs will be reimbursed $100 per race.

Date Event Director Marshals
7th July Old Federal Highway   5 (2 drivers, finish chute & 2 turn marshals)
14th July Yass   6 (2 drivers, finish chute & 3 turn marshals)
21st July Dalton   6 (2 drivers, finish chute & 3 turn marshals)
28th July Sutton Driver Training Centre   1 (finish chute)
4th August Lookout Hill – TT   3 (finish chute & 2 ETCs)
11th August Dog Trap Rd   5 (2 drivers, finish chute & 2 turn marshals)
18th August Old Federal Highway   5 (2 drivers, finish chute & 2 turn marshals)
1st September Uriarra   4 (finish chute & 3 ETCs)
8th September Stromlo Forest Park – Iron Mike   4 (finish chute & 3 ETCs)
15th September Stromlo Forest Park – Criterium Track   1 (finish chute)
22nd September Breadalbane Mini Tour   5 (2 drivers, finish chute & 2 turn marshals)