Hello Vets,
In the Bleat this week;
- From the desk of the President
- From the desk of the Handicapper
- AVCC 2021 Nationals
- Racing this Week
- Race Report
Ian Morton
From the desk of the President
It has been great to see so many of us out racing again after several months caused by both the smoke of the bush fires, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
It has also been humbling to me to see the dedication and hard work put into organising events by the club’s committee members. This work is an ongoing feast that requires a lot of attention, so I am sure you’ll all join me in thanking everyone involved for their hard work. This is on top of the weekly work for the individual events, from the production of the Bleat, the handicapping, awards, the uploading of results and all the on-the-day event management. We are all truly lucky to have such a dedicated team of volunteers. Chapeau all!
We are always keen to hear back from members on how we can improve the club, racing, communication and the like, so keep those messages coming!
We are closing in on 260 race memberships thus far this year, it would be great to see a lot of those new faces, as well as the old stalwarts of the club coming out and joining in the fun of the races.
We have some big events coming up in the second half of 2020, ITT’s, Handicaps, club championships, Vets Iron Mike and Gunning 2 Day to name but a few – acknowledging these events are subject to outside influences such as race approvals and the response to COVID-19, but rest assured that Phill Coulton and Ian McVay are tirelessly working on everything race related for us.
The committee is looking at expanding the information available to members through our digital platforms, more information on this following some internal reviews – watch this space!
That’s it from me this week.
Happy racing everyone.
Seymour Savell-Boss
ACTVets President
From the desk of the Handicapper
In brief: No grade changes this week.
Given the hardships many Australians are facing at the moment, it would be very selfish to complain that racing had been suspended but mentally I’m very relieved that I’m back into my normal routine of weekend racing in Canberra or interstate. This weekend’s race is at Dalton, which would have to be one of our most picturesque courses, and where you can spend a bit of time sitting at the back roaring along in the bunch yet enjoying the views. If you are like me and really struggled to maintain race fitness ever since the bushfires and all the ensuing chaos, you can ask for a downgrade to make a gradual return to racing if that’s what you need to kick start your season.
The vast majority who’ve raced so far have picked up where they left off in March and have shown no drop in form. So, well done to those who’ve maintained a high level of fitness during the break. It’s also great to see that we’ve gained new members and had some other returnees who been away for a few years. One of those is Adrian Rollins who’s one of the club’s members to finish the Haute Route, and did the Triple Crown version in 2016 – cycling 2700kms through the Pyrenees, the Alps, and the Dolomites in just 23 days – climbing more than 60,000 meters in the process! You can read about Adrian’s ________ (insert appropriate adjective) experience here.
With the 30-year-old males eligible to join, we are also seeing some fresh faces coming along to races, and they have really turbo charged the A1 category. The greatest shock of all personally, however, is the realisation that my own daughter, if she were interested, would be able to join next year!
Hope to see you all at Dalton.
Happy pedalling.
Rob Langridge
Gunning 2 Day
The Race Committee is still looking for more volunteers for the Gunning 2 Day event (17/18 October).
If you are able to assist, can you please contact the Race Committee (race.committee@actvets.cc).
AVCC 2021 Nationals
Saturday, 18th July: Dalton Graded Scratch
Note: Race fee $10. Please bring the exact amount of cash to minimise handling change.
Where: Travel to Gunning, Left onto Dalton Road at Gunning, Approx 10Km to Dalton. Park in Quary at left 100 meters before town.
When: 1:30 pm.
Sign on: 15 mins before scheduled start time wearing your registered number
Race Description:
Dalton – Gunning – Boorowa Rd
ABCD do 2 laps Dalton to Gunning. 1st to Dalton then U Turn at Start area. EFG do 1 lap.
Then all head west on Boorowa Rd to end of bitumen (3k) and return to Dalton.
Turn then north onto Rugby Rd to end of bitumen (5k) and return to finish in Dalton.
Race Director: Damian Copeland Contact: Email: damiancopeland@me.com Ph 0450 903 676
Marshals: Alex Sommariva, Ross Robinson, Gerard Tiffen, Rowan McMurray, Paul Hollings
Framework for “Return to Play in a COVID-safe Environment”
This Framework details how cycling events will be delivered by the ACT Veterans Cycling Club to meet the recommendations of Canberra’s Recovery Plan. From 19 June 2020, Stage 2.2 allows for groups of no more than 100 participants. Refer to the ACT Government guidelines at http://www.covid19.act.gov.au.
Stage 2.2 & 3 Arrangements
- On the day of the event, the race Director will be responsible for ensuring that participants follow these guidelines. Where a participant fails to comply they will be asked to leave the event.
- Any rider who is feeling unwell should not participate. If a rider experiences symptoms such as fever, cough, headache, sore throat, and tiredness, they should stay at home. Consult a doctor if symptoms persist. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Symptom Checker is available at https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/symptom-checker/tool/basic-details.
- Riders with higher risks from Covid19 are advised not to participate:
- People aged 70 years and over;
- People aged 65 years and over with chronic medical conditions;
- People with compromised immune systems; and
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people over the age of 50 with one or more chronic medical conditions.
- Race Officials will maintain 1.5m separation and hygiene standards during event setup, running and shutdown. When handling equipment such as signs and radios, Officials are to maintain hygiene by cleaning, wearing gloves and/or regular hand cleaning.
- The Club will organise first aid at each event provided by either a professional organisation or by a Club member with a current first aid certificate.
- Riders and spectators are to maintain a distance of 1.5m from other participants while at the event.
- Hand hygiene is imperative and hand sanitiser will be available at the event.
- No physical contact. Participants are to refrain from shaking hands, pats on the back, etc.
- Post-race refreshments will be provided. Members should bring their own coffee mug.
- If any rider feels unwell in the two weeks following the race, they must advise the Race Committee who will follow up with health authorities. The Rider Management System is used to record event attendees and has their contact details.
ACTVets Committee
Stromlo Criterium – 11th July
As the clouds loomed over the Stromlo Forest Park facility is was touch and go as to whether the race would go ahead. Light rain was falling at the 1:15pm sign on time and it was just the race organising crew and the tandem riders of Elton Ivers and Lindy Hou who were ready to go. At the scheduled start time the rain had all but stopped and two more E grade riders were toeing the line, racing was underway with an all E grade field.
30 minutes plus 1 lap and the three bikes (four riders) were completing their laps as one however it must be said the two solo riders were appreciating the tow of the tandem. About 15 minutes in rider 549 (Michelle Hodgetts) was showing sign of tailing off the back and that is exactly what she did up the front straight on the next lap. This left the tandem of Elton and Lindy to fight out the top spot with rider 202, Shirley-Anne Taylor. As they passed the start finish on the bell lap it appeared to be anyone’s race and coming into the final corner it was still this way. In the end the power of Lindy and Elton prevailed launching them into first position with Shirley taking second and Michelle in third spot. Most combative ride goes to Michelle for riding at least half the race all on her own.
While the E grade race was on a sprinkling of riders were preparing themselves for the D and C grade race. Six riders were lined up to take on the 40 minutes plus 1 lap event and the light showers were back as the race director sent them on their way. Initially all six riders (two from D grade and four from C) rolled around together however at the 30 minute mark Vince Dunn and Ian Morton (D grade) tailed off the back and entered into a race of their own. Ian and Vince continued to roll turns throughout the race and from the sidelines it looked as though the big tall frame of Vince might just be doing it a bit easier. At one stage the race organisers thought the kangaroos down the middle of the track were in a fight only to determine that in fact it was Ian Morton letting out an earth shattering moan on his way up the back straight with about 5 minutes to go. Rounding the corner into the finish it looked like Vince had kicked away ready for the victory however Ian’s late surge at the line had the stewards checking the photo. Ian snuck in to take the win by half a wheel.
Meanwhile out on track the four C grade riders soon became three after Tony Beasley got dagged off the back. The remaining three riders appeared to be doing equal turns lap after lap and it looked like it would be this way for the remainder of the race. Andy Matz, Peter Merrick and Rodney Welch all looked comfortable, even smiling as they came past the start finish line with 2 laps to go. It was hard to determine who, if anyone, was even feeling uncomfortable. Tony’s “I didn’t come out here not to finish” approach kept him rolling around the track and saw him ride up to and over take the D grade fellas. His task from here was going to be to hold off a fast finishing C grade bunch so as not to get lapped. Andy, Peter and Rodney entered the bell lap still tightly bunched and bets were being taken on the sidelines with all three being equal odds. At the completion it was Andy taking first place from Peter and then Rodney taking the bronze. Tony entered the finishing shoot with one lap to go as the top three crossed the line which was a great effort from him riding solo.
The race organisers were relishing an early finish when it looked like no riders from A and B were brave enough to battle the conditions. However with 15 minutes to go before scheduled start time Mr Crispin rolled down from the pavilion followed not long after by Jason Chalker. After various pointed comments about how soft people are, particularly those QUON boys, it was decided there were insufficient people to make a race of it and the grade was scratched.
Thanks to the race committee for their scheduling and assistance with the race, Simon Whitehead for first aid and to Tim Brown for his marshalling assistance.
Nathan Spillane,
Race Director