ACT Veterans Cycling Club

Hello Vets,

An early Bleat this week;

•  Additional Marshals

•  COVID-19 Restrictions

•  First Aid Course

•  AVCC 2021 Nationals

•  Racing this Week

•  Race Report

Ian Morton

Additional Marshals

The Race Committee is looking for one additional Marshal for each of the 22nd August (Sutton Driver Training) and 29th August (Mountain Creek Road) events.

If you are able to assist, can you please contact the Race Committee (

COVID-19 Restrictions

There are legal requirements in place for people returning to the ACT from Victoria and particular places in New South Wales to self-quarantine.

Members who have been to any of these locations in the past 14 days should be complying with ACT Government quarantine restrictions.

Members should stay home if you have been feeling unwell or showing symptoms of COVID-19 or been in contact with someone who has felt unwell in the past 2 weeks.

First Aid Course

Dear Members,

Would you know what to do if you were first on the scene of a road accident involving a cyclist? Would you know how to help one of your friends if they had a fall during a ride?

The club has been successful in bidding for an ACT Government Grant for road safety. This allows us to offer members First Aid courses free of charge.

We estimate our nearly 300 members cycle more than 180,000km on ACT Roads every year. This makes it quite likely one of us will be first on scene at an accident at some time.

A First Aid course would provide you with a nationally recognised qualification, and would equip you to help others in the event of an emergency. It would also help the club to continue to conduct racing in the ACT. The club uses, and will continue to use, an external contractor to provide first aid support to races, however there are times when this service is unavailable. In order for the club to be able to undertake our scheduled race calendar, the club will, from time to time, ask a first aid qualified member to attend a race.

The committee has experience of a course provider in the ACT that has adapted to COVID-19 restrictions by taking the theory components on-line, and adapting the practical elements in line with social distancing requirements. If there’s interest from members, the Committee will organise a group booking with this provider. Please e-mail if you would like to take up this option.

Otherwise, members may register for the first aid course of their choice, provided that:
  1) the course provides a recognised Australian first aid qualification;
  2) the cost of the course is less than or equal to $200; and
  3) members acknowledge and agree to being placed on a list of first aid providers that, from time to time, will be utilised to provide first aid services to club races.

Contact the committee to ensure that your intended course meets the club’s needs. Following completion of the course, contact the Treasurer at to provide a copy of your qualification and organise a reimbursement.

Gunning 2 Day

The Race Committee is still looking for more volunteers for the Gunning 2 Day event (17/18 October).

If you are able to assist, can you please contact the Race Committee (

AVCC 2021 Nationals

AVCC 2021 Nationals


Saturday, 15th August: Old Federal Highway – Graded Scratch

Where: Turn left off new Federal Hwy (dual carriageway) onto Shingle Hill Way. The intersection is signposted to Gundaroo and approx 9 km past the Sutton Rd overpass. Park in gravel pit on corner of next intersection about 100 m in from highway.
When: 1:30 pm.
Sign on: 15 mins before scheduled start time wearing your registered number
Race Description:
Old Federal Highway Gravel Pit to Lake George and back.
ABCD 4 laps for 48km.
EFG 3 laps for 36km.

Race Director: Linda Stals Contact: Email:    Ph 0419283599

Marshals: Alison Hale, Anthony Willemsen, Bruce McMillan, Peter Balint

Framework for “Return to Play in a COVID-safe Environment”

This Framework details how cycling events will be delivered by the ACT Veterans Cycling Club to meet the recommendations of Canberra’s Recovery Plan. From 19 June 2020, Stage 2.2 allows for groups of no more than 100 participants. Refer to the ACT Government guidelines at

Stage 2.2 & 3 Arrangements

  • On the day of the event, the race Director will be responsible for ensuring that participants follow these guidelines. Where a participant fails to comply they will be asked to leave the event.
  • Any rider who is feeling unwell should not participate. If a rider experiences symptoms such as fever, cough, headache, sore throat, and tiredness, they should stay at home. Consult a doctor if symptoms persist. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Symptom Checker is available at
  • Riders with higher risks from Covid19 are advised not to participate:
    • People aged 70 years and over;
    • People aged 65 years and over with chronic medical conditions;
    • People with compromised immune systems; and
    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people over the age of 50 with one or more chronic medical conditions.
  • Race Officials will maintain 1.5m separation and hygiene standards during event setup, running and shutdown. When handling equipment such as signs and radios, Officials are to maintain hygiene by cleaning, wearing gloves and/or regular hand cleaning.
  • The Club will organise first aid at each event provided by either a professional organisation or by a Club member with a current first aid certificate.
  • Riders and spectators are to maintain a distance of 1.5m from other participants while at the event.
  • Hand hygiene is imperative and hand sanitiser will be available at the event.
  • Post-race refreshments will be provided. Members should bring their own coffee mug.
  • No physical contact. Participants are to refrain from shaking hands, pats on the back, etc.
  • If any rider feels unwell in the two weeks following the race, they must advise the Race Committee who will follow up with health authorities. The Rider Management System is used to record event attendees and has their contact details.


ACTVets Committee


Breadalbane Handicap – 8th August

Due to heavy rain over the weekend, the Breadalbane Handicap was cancelled.