Hello Vets,

Welcome to the start of the 2020/21 Summer Racing Season. In the Bleat this week;

•  From the Race Committee

•  From the Treasurer

•  From the Handicapper

•  COVID-19 Restrictions

•  AVCC 2021 Nationals – CANCELLED

•  Racing this Week

Ian Morton

From the Race Committee

Gunning Entries Open

Gunning 2020 two-day race is on 17 & 18 October. Race format will be the same as last year with racing starting from 10:00am on both days. Riders must race on Saturday to be eligible to race on Sunday. This year we will use RMS for pre-entry and payments. Any members who cannot pay by credit should contact the race committee.

To enter, go the Calendar page https://rms.actvets.cc/calendar. Click the ‘Details’ button for the race on 17/10/2020 at Gunning. Put in your race number and then hit the Enter button. If you are financial, credit card details fields will display. Enter your details and you should receive a transaction reference code (Note this down if you want to. The transaction will appear on your statement as SQ *ACT VETERANS CYCLI Kambah AUS). You name should appear in the Entries List.

Entry for this year is only $20.00!

Race support needed

The club is extremely lucky to have Graham Hendrie looking after, and bringing out to races, our race van. Graham also manages the timing and results recording and uploading into RMS. This operates like a pro rider, very smooth looking but a lot of hard work going on.

Graham is looking to take a break from marshal duties, so we need to start looking at transitioning some of the tasks that he does to other people. This could be a member of the club, a family member or someone who has spare time and an interest in cycling. If you are interested in helping out, or know someone who would be, please get in touch with the race Committee.

Remember, it’s up to everyone in the club to help ensure we continue to have a viable ongoing race program.

Ian McVay
Race Committee

From the Treasurer

Cashless Option

With the resumption of Tuesday night crits, the cashless option will be available for members to pay race fees. Cash payment will also be available though members are requested to bring the correct amount to minimise handling of change.

Reduced Membership 1 October 2020 – 31 December 2020

The AVCC has approved a reduction in membership fees for the period 1 October 2020 to 31 December 2020. The reduced fee is $60 and is available to both new members and non-financial members who wish to renew their membership for the last three months of the year.

The SportsTG membership portal has now been updated with the new membership fee for the remainder of 2020 (“Q4 Special Reduced Membership 2020”).

Kirsti McVay

From the Handicapper

Amazingly, the winter season has come to end without additional interruptions from COVID-19 and the real battle for those who race during winter was, as always, the weather! I will not forget the other weekend at Breadalbane for a while. We had some great turn-outs on the sunny days and there were plenty of exciting races.

As we move into the criterium season, I ask that riders choosing to ride down a grade from where they left off last year, do so without seeking to thrash those in the lower grade or seek a victory before returning to the higher grade. The victory you steal may be someone else’s own chance for well-deserved glory.

The Peter McLennan Gunning Two-Day Tour is coming soon, I hope many of you are considering riding. It’s a great race and also a fantastic social event, as there are many hours to get to know your competitors on and off the road. It’s the one chance to ride for general classification so pacing yourself, nutrition, rest, good tactics and making alliances are important to get a good result. If you haven’t raced over the winter, and are considering entering please think carefully about the grade you will start in. Please consult me if you have any doubts. Most years we have at least one rider who comes out of nowhere to solo his way to victory, only to disappear for the rest of the season. Let’s avoid this in 2020.

The rain may wash out tomorrow’s crit but I’m sure you are all keen to test your legs at Stromlo soon. I’m looking forward to it.


Summary: Relaid parts of the cycle paths now have a drop from the path to the grass/dirt next to the path. Exercise extreme caution if riding off and then back on the path. Make sure to lift your front wheel as you go back on.

Recently, a number of shared paths (or cycle paths) have been resealed around Canberra, which for some sections is the first proper maintenance since they were laid in the early 80s!. There are examples in Holder, Kambah, and more recently, West Basin to Glenloch Interchange. The paths have been repaired by laying another layer of bitumen on top of the existing surface. This has resulted in a smooth, fast surface but also about a 30mm drop from the path to the dirt/grass next to the path.

Previously, it was possible to ride on and off the path without consideration of the changes in surfaces. In the old days of poor bike lights and no centre line, it was a frequent occurrence to find yourself in the rough on a dark night, but there were no problems getting back on. Unfortunately, one Vets member has misjudged the transition from path to grass and back again with disastrous results. Here’s wishing a speedy recovery to Ed Pelligrino. Also be wary of drains and manholes as some have a smooth transition while others are more like a pothole.

Rob Langridge

COVID-19 Restrictions

There are legal requirements in place for people returning to the ACT from Victoria and particular places in New South Wales to self-quarantine.

Members who have been to any of these locations in the past 14 days should be complying with ACT Government quarantine restrictions.

Members should stay home if you have been feeling unwell or showing symptoms of COVID-19 or been in contact with someone who has felt unwell in the past 2 weeks.

Product Recall

Advance Traders (Australia) Pty Ltd – Sugek CS-M3007 7-speed Cassette fitted to Norco Storm 4 and 5 Bicycles MY2021

The Sugek CS-M3007 7-Speed Cassette installed on certain model year 2021 Norco Storm 4 and Storm 5 bicycles may cause the chain to skip unexpectedly, under extreme pedalling loads when using the 11 tooth cog.

For full details go to: https://www.productsafety.gov.au/recall/advance-traders-australia-pty-ltd-sugek-cs-m3007-7-speed-cassette-fitted-to-norco-storm-4-and-5-bicycles-my2021

AVCC 2021 Nationals – CANCELLED

The National Championships were scheduled to be held in South Australia during January 2021 in conjunction with the Tour Down Under.

Unfortunately, the AVCC have had to cancel the Nationals due to uncertainty arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of state border restrictions, there is no clarity regarding the ability of members to travel to South Australia in January.


Tuesday, 6th October: Stromlo Criterium

Where: Stromlo Forest Park
Sign on: 15 mins before scheduled start time wearing your registered number.
Race Description:
E/F/G 20m + 2 @ 5:50
A/C 20m + 2 @ 6:15
B/D 20m + 2 @ 6:40

Race Director: Kevin Woods Contact: Email: krwoods56@gmail.com    Ph  0412 622 299

Marshals: Aaron Thomson

Wednesday, 7th October: Track Practice Session

The track racing season will kick off with a Practice Session starting at 6.00pm on Wednesday 7 October. There will be no racing. All interested riders are invited – particularly new riders and track novices. It is a great opportunity to give track a try!

Please note that Narrabundah Track is a high-banked, oval track suitable only for conventional fixed gear track bikes with a high bottom bracket. We are unable to accommodate road bikes on this track.

+ Narrabundah track is located off Goyder Street in Narrabundah;
+ We welcome riders to try a high-banked track for the first time;
+ New riders can get practical advice on gearing, bunch riding & track etiquette;
+ Interested riders can try out a track bike (bring your own pedals and shoes);
+ Experienced riders can tune up the machinery & motor;
+ All riders can express their preference for events & races;
+ The practice session will be around 1hr 30 mins starting at 6.00pm;
+ There is no formal structure to the practice. We can assist with introductory training, if requested;
+ You can do your own thing, if you prefer.

A few basics on track etiquette for the practice session:
+ Use the designated track positions for cruising, tempo or fast pacing;
(The faster you ride the higher you should be positioned on track. Overtake outside other riders);
+ Hold your line – don’t make changes of speed or position unless you are clear of other riders;
+ Be very careful if you are crossing or moving on / off the track;
(It is your responsibility not to impede other riders in this situation);
+ Start from the fence and be aware of riders approaching;
+ It is best to wear clear or light tinted goggles;
(the shaded portions of track have very low visibility with regular sunnies);
+ All riders will need to be cautious, as there will be novice riders at the practice session.

Regular track racing will start on Wednesday 14 October.

Last year we had a small, dedicated track group with a total of 31 riders participating over the season. However, why should they have all the fun. If you have thought about it, come and give it a try. We would like at least ten more regulars.

Sunday, 11th October: No scheduled race

The next road race event will be the Gunning 2 Day on 17/18 October.