Masters, In this week’s Bleat

  • CRMuBS out and about–the road to Shepparton
  • Next Race – Tuesday 3 October – Stromlo Forest Park Criteriums
  • Race Report – Club Championships Uriarra
  • Race calendar can be found here for other race dates needing Officials

CRMuBS out and about–the road to Shepparton

A crowd of Canberra cyclists are heading to Shepparton in Victoria to race in the AusCycling Masters Road National Championships starting Thursday. Members are wishing you safe and incident-free races and are excited to see who can get an honourable top10 result or gain the glory of a podium finish. If racing brings little satisfaction, there’s always a tour of the SPC cannery as an interesting diversion!

Rob Langridge – Race committee

How does it work.

“An interesting explanation of some of the physics associated with riding a bicycle”.

Ian Morton – Race Committee

RACING next race.

Tuesday 3 October – Stromlo Forest Park Criteriums

Wk 00 Twenty min plus 2 laps, early sunset

E/F/G 20m 2 @ 5:50
A/C 20m 2 @ 6:15
B/D 20m 2 @ 6:40
Sunset @ 7:08

Race Report – Club Championships Uriarra

A wonderful sunny day with a bit of breeze from the west greeted all participants on Saturday.  We managed to get the full complement of officials for our last road event before daylight savings and our summer race program commences.

After a little discussion the 31 participants agreed to a combination of age groups for the start.  We started with a group of M1-M3 a bunch of 9, M4-M6 a bunch of 10 followed by a bunch of M7-M9, W7-W8 numbering 12 started their events separated by a suitable gap climbing Mt McDonald.  For the M1 through M6 it was 2 laps including Mt McDonald while the remainder opted for the single venture into Mt McDonald but still needed to complete 2 circuits to the short turn and top of the Xing.

Apart from the wind there were a couple of magpies on the attack and hitting a couple of participants with one unlucky sole being felled to the ground and then continued to be bombarded.  Luckily they were alright but put off enough to call it quits after that.

Chris Short had mechanical issues and missed the event firstly a chain issue followed by a puncture en route to the race.  This just wasn’t to be a race for him.

After the first descent from Mt McDonald there were a few groups formed and also some lone riders.  This quickly revealed itself after the return from the short turn to the start finish.  Our lone riders included Brendan Byatt M6 and Steve Crispin M5.  Liz Lowe had been left to her own devices after the largest bunch had broken into a number of groups or individuals.

By the second lap most participants were well spread and after the final rider had returned to the finish a quick calculation by our Marshall Andrew had us ready for the presentations.

The first group of riders to return to the finish included riders from M7, M8 followed by M2.

The medal results were as follows:
W7 – 1st Elizabeth Lowe
W8 – 1st Terry Moore
M1 – 1st Tristan Dimmock, 2nd Christopher van der Spek, 3rd Tristan Fuge
M2 – 1st Daniel Lekhac, 2nd Jason Irwin, 3rd Dimitar Dojcinoski
M3 – 1st Ben Morrison, 2nd Michael Rowland
M4 – 1st Michael Tolhurst, 2nd Bradley Peppinck, 3rd Craig Lindenmayer
M5 – 1st Steve Crispin, 2nd Gerard Tiffen, 3rd Marc Vroomans
M6 – 1st Brendan Byatt, 2nd Darren Blackhurst
M7 – 1st Mark Harris, 2nd Ian Preston
M8 – 1st Owain Tilley, 2nd Mark Moerman, 3rd Dale Kleeman
M9 – 1st Mark K Taylor, 2nd Bruce McMillan, 3rd Alex Somariva

Thank you to all our volunteers:
First Aid – Simon Whitehead. Marshall – Andrew Hislop. ETCs – Robert Langridge, Howard Moffat, Brian Peak and Neil Burton and Van Driver – David Buckley.

Kim Malcolm – Race Director

Bleat compiler neeeded

The Club needs a Volunteer to send the Bleat out. The Bleat goes out on a Monday evening and only takes about 30 mins to pull together. Training and support provided. Contact the Race Committee for further information.

Racing Calendar changes – please see below

Sunday, October 15The 2023 Gunning (aka Peter McLennan Memorial) event.
Start/Finish at Bredalbane, using the community hall as race central
Consists of a TT event followed by the usual 48km lap – once or twice depending on your grade.
The handicapper is considering letting D grade vote on their lap count…  
The single day approach facilitates (i) the ability to attract potential 2024 members though the use of the single day trial licence, and (ii) reduces event costs hiring NSW traffic controllers.

Chris Short – Race Committee