We held a thoroughly researched and prepared committee meeting tonight, and the new Treasurer got his first budget up and past the committee; well done Simon.

In preparing for the upcoming road season, our van has been serviced thanks to Chris Nolan, and we have retained our use of satellite phones in case of emergency on the more remote roads without phone reception, on a much more cost-effective plan. We have purchased a new countdown timing board that can be deployed between SFP, and road races and you may see its use at SDTC for the first time soon.

Tonight the committee voted to implement some changes in the way volunteerism operates in our club, shifting the focus from passive engagement to a more active mode of recruitment. In addition to the incentives that we have previously announced for directing, marshalling and van driving for road races, the committee is drafting a volunteer policy that will require a volunteer commitment as a club member while rewarding it, and this is supported by our recent survey results which we will make available soon for the members’ consumption.  

The first level of volunteer enlightenment 😊, is knowing how much you have enlightened us with your volunteering!

And for this reason, within your individual RMS record where you results are recorded in https://rms.crmcc.org.au/index, you will be able to view how many races you have enjoyed since you last helped out.  We need to plug a few holes as we’re aware that van driving isn’t currently counted towards that, but will make that change soon.  We hope that this reminds you that you might be due to help out soon so that your other clubbies can race. This also takes the strain off ‘the system’ which is currently staffed by, you guessed it, a shipload full of ageing and weary volunteers.  We will start to actively recruit volunteers by allocating some members to vacant spots in our calendar that are currently unfilled, so that we can forecast out 6 months in advance.  Please email race.committee@crmcc.org.au if you can help out. To assist the volunteer participation uptake, the committee agreed to purchase and implement insurance liability coverage for all volunteer roles at races, and as reminder we offer training and mentoring for marshals, race directors, and van driving.

In recognition of the tireless commitment from club members whether it be racing or committee involvement, the committee unanimously voted tonight to bestow 3 lifetime award memberships to Ian McVay, Kirsti McVay and Rob Langridge. Between the 3 of these racers, they bring 77 life years of racing experience to the club, with over 1,608 races contested, and I reckon there’s a story or two behind everyone one of those battles.

Congratulations to these worthy recipients who have made significant, long lasting contributions as a club member of at least 10 years.


CRMCC President