A reminder that round four of the club’s Sutton Super Series will be held from 1330 AEST at the Sutton Road Training Centre on Saturday, 13 July.
Grades | Time | Race Duration |
A/B | 13:30 | 50mins + 1 lap |
C/D | 14:30 | 40mins + 1 lap |
E/F/G | 15:20 | 30mins + 1 lap |
Direction is clockwise.
Race Director: Bob Miller, marshal Poupee Lam, van driver Paul Connor, first aid Matt Sainsbery
Race registration cut-off is Friday 12th July at 9pm. Cost is $10.
You need to register by looking up the calendar entry in the RMS https://rms.crmcc.org.au/calendar?5019055
You must wear your CRMCC assigned race number to race.
Late registrations will be assessed by Race.committee@crmcc.org.au and if allowed, a late fee of $10 will be applied.
If you are unregistered and show up to the crit track, you must convince a committee member (not the Race Director) of your club member financial status for insurance purposes, before being allowed to participate.
Round five of the series is on 10th August and the final round will be held on 21st September. Note the club needs a race director, a marshal and a van driver for both of these events to be run.
Please contact race.committee@crmcc.org.au if you can fill any of these roles for the club.
Thank you to those members who have offered their services to fill roles so the races are run.