Race Officiation Obligations
Suspension of racing eligibility for non-contributing members
Members who fail to help facilitate club events will be ineligible to race until such time as they have met their obligations. This policy is consistent with the approach taken by other cycling clubs.
ACT Veterans Cycling Club is run by volunteers. Some members contribute by filling roles on the committee, others by directing and marshalling at races. The number and types of marshals needed varies depending on the nature of the course and race location. In order to spread the workload of helping at races across our membership, a roster of helpers is put together well in advance of race dates.
All members are expected to assist. Firstly members are encouraged to volunteer for races they would prefer to help at. For example, if you do not like time trials or hill climbs, it would be in your interest to volunteer at these courses, rather than be asked to help out at a race that you would prefer to do. Secondly, the race committee looks to more experienced members to direct races. Thirdly members are requested to help out where there are vacancies. Documentation and help from other members is available to undertake these roles. Some roles are eligible for reimbursement of expenses e.g. race directors, ETCs and lead/tail car drivers at NSW races.
The race committee is aware that a member’s ability to help may be impacted by factors such as their home location and work commitments, and is flexible in accommodating these factors.
When you are rostered, you will be contacted by a race committee member by email and your name will go onto the roster published in the weekly Bleat. You need to confirm by email that you can/cannot help, and if not, propose an alternate race or arrange a swap with another member. If you do arrange a swap, please advise the race committee so that RMS is updated. If you do not respond by email, you will be contacted by SMS. Members that help out at a race should ensure that their name is recorded in the race results in the Bleat and RMS. Recorded results in RMS are used in the rostering process. Only those members who are rostered to help at a race will be recorded in RMS. Members cannot just ‘turn up’ at a race with expectation of helping and having this recorded.