Hello Vets,

In the Bleat this week;

  • From the Desk of the President
  • Vets Out and About
  • Thanks for Helping Hand
  • Racing this Week
  • Race Reports

Please send me your contributions at: TheBleat@actvets.cc

Ian Morton

From the Desk of the President

Dear Members,

The Board and I have been working to ensure that club races in NSW can continue. Last Thursday I was informed that the club had received road approvals from the NSW Police for the entire 2017 race calendar in NSW which is great news.

We have also spend some time trying to understand what went wrong and what we could do better. In essence the sheer size of the file that we are required to send created some IT issues which resulted in a late submission. This also meant that the file could not be transmitted electronically between local and regional NSW Police Stations and had to be physically posted resulting in a further delay. We have put in place management strategies for the issues which we can control for next year.

Extra conditions have been placed on the Club by Councils in order to allow us to race. The main stipulation is that we must now place signs on the routes one week before racing in addition to doing letter drops in affected residents letter boxes. The Club has had these signs printed and placed them on the Dog Trap course in time to allow for this weekend’s race.

I hope to see many of you out there!

I’d like to thank the Board for the work they’ve put into sorting these issues out.


Dougal Torrance
ACT Veterans Cycling Club.

Vets Out and About

Marc Vroomans made the most of a very generous handicap and the fact scratch were weren’t able to mow down his group to nab 4th in the Cootamundra Haycarters Handicap two weekends ago. Roger Northcote was also able to get a start in the same group and finished just outside the top ten. Such is the technologically advanced nature of the country handicaps that it’s now possible to view a scanned hand-written fax of the results online!

For the second year in a row Rowan McMurray finished the B division of the 230km (&3,000m of climbing) Grafton-Inverell cycle classic. Rowan finished the mind boggling distance in the middle of the pack in just under seven hours.

Rob Langridge

Thanks for Helping Hand

Last Tuesday morning at around 7am I unfortunately had a slide down the road. It happened at the intersection of Sulwood and Ashley drive Wanniassa and a real gentlemen stopped his car to stop traffic to assist me. In the events of the incident I failed to get his contact details. He drove a small black car, Honda or Mazda and mentioned he also rode.

If this can be circulated so I can thank him it would be appreciated.

Kind Regards
Robbie Thompson


Saturday, 20th May: Dog Trap Rd – Secret Handicap – Cole Family Trophy

Where: Intersection of Dog Trap Rd and Long Rail Gully Rd, north of Murrumbateman.
When: 1:30 pm.
Sign on: 15 mins before scheduled start time wearing your registered number.
Race Description:
Memorial Handicap
Dog Trap Road 2 Laps

Race Director: Rob Langridge
Contact: Email: langridge@netspeed.com.au    Ph  0450400658

Nominated Marshals: Adam Potts, Michael Hanbury, Mike Hayes, Ben Healy, Andrew Murrell

Upcoming Marshall Roster

The nominated marshals for upcoming events are;
– Jun 3 @ Old Federal Highway: Chris Kon, Seymour Saville-boss, Phil Anderson, Nicholas Stewart
– Jun 17 @ Pierces Creek: Ben Morrison, John Lowe
– Jun 24 @ Honeysuckle Creek: Michael Foulds, Chris Nolan, Dale Kleeman (ATC)
– Jul 1 @ Stromlo: David Witteveen