Hello Vets,

In the Bleat this week;

  • From the Desk of the President
  • Ride Sally Ride – Women on Bikes panel discussion
  • Racing this Week

Please send me your contributions at: TheBleat@actvets.cc

Ian Morton

From the Desk of the President

Dear Members,

The Committee of the ACT Veterans Cycling Club met tonight and made a number of decisions that affect members.

1) Race fees for all races (Road, Track and Crit) will be increasing to $10.00 from 1st of October 2017. The ACT Vets offer the best value for money racing in the ACT and surrounds, with races most weekends and the summer crit and track season. This increase will allow us to continue to offer a high standard of racing to all members.

2) In recognition of the essential role our Authorised Traffic Controllers (ATCs) undertake for the Club, these officers will now be offered $50.00 for each race undertaken in the ACT only. In part, this is designed to encourage more members to become ATCs. Race directors in NSW and the ACT will also be offered this compensation. The increase mentioned above will assist the Club to cover some of this extra cost of putting on races. This change will take place immediately so that ATCs and Race Directors for this weekend will be offered compensation for the time they take in directing races or keeping certification up to date.

3) It’s time for Web 2.0. You’ve all had time now to figure out what’s missing from our web site and what needs to be included. Please send your list of what you want to see more or less of to me (President@actvets.cc) and we’ll get cracking on improving the site. Also, if you haven’t already joined up – have a look at our active facebook site! (https://web.facebook.com/groups/ACTVets/ or search for ACT Vets)

4) I had a great meeting with some of our women cyclists about including more women in the club. Two suggested changes (among others) were the inclusion of a women’s participation advisor and a general promotions officer. I’ll be sending out a more detailed position description for these officers soon. Stay tuned.

5) We’re heading into the last few races of the winter road season with one of the toughest happening this weekend. One of the last chances to build some fitness before the Crit and Track season starts! See you there (but note the earlier start time!)

Dougal Torrance,
ACT Veterans Cycling Club. President@actvets.cc

Ride Sally Ride – Women on Bikes panel discussion

An evening for Canberran women that have thought about riding a bike but are discouraged by the barriers such as the distance to be covered, the time needed, safety concerns, the other errands to run, weather, concerns about appearing professional after riding to work, lack of sufficient confidence or skills, not knowing routes to travel by bike and much more.

DATE: 6:30pm – 7:30pm Thursday, 7 September
LOCATION: The Living Room, The Duxton, O’Connor
COST: free

The panel consists of:

  • Lilian Mellink, Policy Advisor Trade and Economic Affairs, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
  • Sophie Fisher, founder of Girls on Bikes – teaching migrant and refugee women in Canberra to ride bikes
  • Dr Jasmine Foxlee, mum of two school aged children, & full-time employee of the Parks and Conservation Service
  • Jean Allsop, Manager, Office of the Chief Digital Officer
  • Dira Horne, CEO of Belconnen Community Service
  • Facilitated by Prof Kate Auty, Commissioner for the Environment and Sustainability.


BOOKINGS: RSVP to TCCS.Activetravel@act.gov.au by Wednesday 6 September 6207 7302


Saturday, 9th September: Uriarra Homestead Handicap (Iron Mike)

Where:Uriarra Homestead, intersection Uriarra Rd and Bridabella Rd (ignore previous advice in the RMS to park at Uriarra Crossing).
When: 12:30 pm.
Note the earlier start time.
Sign on: 15 mins before scheduled start time wearing your registered number.
Race Description:
Iron Mike Classic Race Uriarra Homestead start to end of bitumen then to top of crossing, turn and return to start X 2 laps

Race Director: Kim Malcolm Contact: Email: d.kimmalcolm@icloud.com Ph 0418643623

ATCs: Frank O’Sullivan, Ian Albery, Polly Templeton
Marshals: Simon Junakovic, Troy Cassell

Upcoming Marshall Roster

The nominated marshals for upcoming events are;
– 16/9 Uriarra: Craig Tozer, Heath Chester + 4 x ATC’s required!
– 3/10- Stromlo Crit: Sue Duckett
– 10/10- Stromlo Crit: Simon Johnston
– 17/10- Strolo Crit: Liz Lowe