Hello Vets,

In this week’s Bleat;

  • Indoor Training
  • Racing this Week
  • Race Report

Please send me your contributions at: TheBleat@actvets.cc

Ian Morton

Indoor Training

Tuesday is on the trainer night!

Any vets thinking about turbocharging their crit, road or track fitness should grap their trainer and head to the Weston Neighbourhood hall. There’s no Strava segments here or Zwift races to be had just honest toil.

Hall opens 6pm, main event begins at 6:30pm.

Here’s a taste of what Michael Aisbitt has in store for Tuesday. I did it this arvo and I gotta say those last 3-4 1 minute efforts were tough. Go along on Tuesday and tell me what you think.

Tuesday’s program

Warm up
2 minutes easy roll
2 minutes 90rpm
2 minutes 95 rpm
2 minutes 100rpm
2 minutes 105 rpm
1 minute 110rpm
2 minutes easy roll

Workout 1
15 minutes as:
5x (2 minutes big gear (strong, in control) 1 minute small gear over 105rpm). This is a continual 15 minute effort alternating big gear and small gear. Note that the small gear needs to be an effort 105rpm minimum. Push yourself. This 15 minutes should feel like 8-9/10.

5 minutes easy roll.

Workout 2
12x 1 minute big gear feeling very strong (but controlled and achievable) followed by 1 minute easy roll. This is 24 minutes of alternating hard and easy. Hard effort 9-9.5/10 10 minute cool down / stretch.


Bruce Griffin


Saturday, 21th July: Dalton Graded Scratch

URGENT: Replacement Marshal required. Please contact Ian McVay imcvay@grapevine.com.au if you can assist.

Where: Travel to Gunning, Left onto Dalton Road at Gunning, Approx 10Km to Dalton. Park in Quary at left 100 meters before town.
When: 1:30 pm.
Sign on: 15 mins before scheduled start time wearing your registered number.
Race Description:
ABCD 58km and EFG 36km
Dalton – Gunning – Boorowa Rd ABCD do 2 laps Dalton to Gunning 1st Dalton U Turn at Start area. EFG do 1 lap. Then all head west on Boorowa Rd to end of bitumen (3k) and return to Dalton then north on Rugby Rd to end of bitumen (5k) and return to finish in Dalton.

Race Director: Simon Milnes Contact: Email: simonmilnes@bigpond.com    Ph  0407296418

Marshals: Tony Rowley, Bryan Holloway, Robin Mules, David McCook, Terry Moore


Upcoming Marshal Roster

Thank you to those who volunteered to help (noted below in black) at the races to September. The remaining nominees (in blue) have been selected based on results from the previous summer race season and the period since they last helped at a race. Please advise your availability or unavailability to the race committee (race.committee@actvets.cc) as soon as possible.

I am also looking for more nominations to help in the ‘vacant’ positions at the Summer series races to the end of the year. Crit races at Stromlo Forest Park on Tuesdays will require a Race Director and one Marshal. Summer road races are on Sunday mornings.

Date Event Director Marshals
28th July Sutton Driver Training Centre Roger Northcote
1 (finish chute) Kirsty Cummin
4th August Lookout Hill – TT Rohan Verco
3 (finish chute & 2 ETCs) Ed Joliffe*, Bob Miller*, Patrick McNamara
11th August Dog Trap Rd Steve Dean
5 (2 drivers, finish chute & 2 turn marshals) Ben McDuff, David Johnson, Brandie O’Connor, Stjepan Hirsler, Simon Porombka
18th August Old Federal Highway Ben Davis
5 (2 drivers, finish chute & 2 turn marshals) Mick Hanbury, Simon Wells, Matt Hinchcliffe, Steven Simms, Michael Brice
1st September Uriarra Shane Warburton
4 (finish chute & 3 ETCs) Ed Joliffe*, Terry Moore*, Robert Brunato* (non-member), Alison Hale
8th September Stromlo Forest Park – Iron Mike Ian Morton
4 (finish chute & 3 ETCs) Elizabeth Lowe*, Rob Morris*, Richard Gorrell*, Andrew Murrell
15th September Stromlo Forest Park – Criterium Track Alain Arbaut
1 (finish chute) Jason McAvoy
22th September Breadalbane Mini Tour Simon Junakovic
5 (2 drivers, finish chute & 2 turn marshals) Doug Lean, David Wilson, Rowan McMurray, Darren Garnon, Mike Hayes
Summer Series
2nd October Crit Kim Malcolm
Anthony Evans
9th October Crit Richard Hedley Michael Golding
16th October Crit Ben Robey
Bruce Goodspeed
21st October Corin Dam Rd Rico Fitch
1 (finish chute)
Michael David Brice
23rd October Crit Peta Brill
John Ignatius
30th October Crit Duane Toohey Christophe Barberet
4th November Crit vacant 4 (finish chute & 3 ETCs) Edward Joliffe*, Seymour Savell-boss*, David Jukes*, Lewis Cressy
6th November Crit Damian Copeland Simon Wells
11th November Sutton Driver Training Centre Warwick Wilson
1 (finish chute), Ian Preston
13th November Crit vacant David Witteveen
18th November Old Federal Highway vacant 5 (2 drivers, finish chute & 2 turn marshals) David Witham, Tim Brown, John Stokman, Stuart Roesler, Michael Brice
20st November Crit vacant Christophe Barberet
25th November Uriarra TT Andy Matz
4 (finish chute & 3 ETCs) Edward Joliffe*, Kim Malcolm *, Howard Moffat*, Peter Jovanovic
27th November Crit vacant John Wilson
2nd December Old Federal Highway Kim Malcolm
5 (2 drivers, finish chute & 2 turn marshals) Jonathan Chowns, Graham Tanton, Craig Tozer, Des Brown, vacant
4th December Crit vacant Ian Lake
9th December Dairy Flat Nick Boylan
1 (finish chute) Nick will source
11th December Crit vacant Anthony Evans
16th December Cotter Hill Climb Nick Boylan
2 (finish chute & 1 ETCs) Sue Powell*, Conan Liu
18th December Crit vacant David Medlock

* denotes ETC required for ACT races.

Ian McVay
Race Committee


Yass Graded Scratch – 14th July

A fine contingent of 39 riders made it to the start for a great, and demanding, days racing out at Yass on Saturday.

It wasn’t looking too good at about 11:30 as the area was sitting at a balmy 6 degrees and still shrouded in fog. But the gods were smiling and the mist burnt off to a beautiful still sunny afternoon.

The course was demanding for riders, and organisers, but we got away on time and had an incident free race – if you don’t count a few hundred cows crossing the road at the far end of the course…

Unsurprisingly there weren’t any bunch sprints at the finish, with most riders coming in on their own or with a one or two companions.

In A grade Steve Crispin came in a fair way ahead of Thomas Hartley and Rohan Verco, in B Tim Brown took it from Michael Carr and Ross MacPherson, C saw Conan Liu over Adam Potts and Paul Hollings, Anthony Beasley took out D over Anthony Beasley and Steven Simms, Kirsty Cummin triumphed in E over Gillian Lugg and Elizabeth Lowe, F troop saw Edward Joliffe get over Ian Morton and rounding the grades out was Bernie Crowe in G.

A big thanks to all the marshals and drivers;
Tim Minehan
Felipe Lopes Reis
Ben Davis
Terence Merrigan
Wayne Benham
Elton Ivers
Howard Moffat
Simon Whitehead (SMA first Aid)

And a VERY big thanks to Graham Hendrie for the van, tutoring, refreshments, timing, results, i.e. everything else.


Chris Nolan
Race Director



Some pictures courtesy of Tim Minehan: https://www.flickr.com/photos/138622670@N03/sets/72157693263587880/
Some more pictures courtesy of Howard Moffat: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AvlUW1OQlEWixkfUMZk-gWcQxOZ8