Hello Vets,

Hope you’ve all had a good Australia Day long weekend. Plenty to Bleat about this week;

• Heat Policy

• Annual General Meeting

• Registration Renewal for 2020

• From the Desk of the Handicapper

• ACT Veterans Cycling Club Trophies and Medals

• Event Traffic Controller’s Course

• 2020 Australasian Masters Cycling Championships, NZ

• University Study

• Gunning Marshals

• Racing this Week

• From the Race Committee

• Race Reports

Please send me your contributions at: TheBleat@actvets.cc

Ian Morton

Heat Policy – ACT Veterans Cycling Club

The temperature for tomorrow’s Crit Race (28th Jan) is forecast to reach 36 degrees.

The Committee has agreed a policy that once temperatures reach 36 degrees that the start of racing will be delayed and events shorted. Once the temperature reaches 38 degrees, racing will be cancelled.

As there is also the possibility of smoke, conditions for tomorrow’s Crit will be evaluated and members advised.

If racing does go ahead, please ensure you drink plenty of water before, during and after the race. Riders who feel unwell during the race should stop and seek assistance from the First Aid attendant.

Annual General Meeting
Dear Members,

As you are aware, the Annual General Meeting for the club will be held on the 17th of February . This is your chance to have an influence on the direction of the club for the next year. Please come along and contribute your ideas.

As advised, I will be stepping down as President this year although I intend to stay on the committee to assist the transition. A few other long term committee members will also be stepping down at the same time, notably Phill Coulton (racing approvals), Jan Koehler, (Secretary) and Kim Malcolm (medals).

Membership of the committee gives you an opportunity to influence the direction of the club, help with the development of new courses and the racing calendar. Members of the committee are professional and easy to work with.

I’m really keen that members nominate for these positions or general membership of the committee to ensure that the club remains strong and can provide regular racing.

Dougal Torrance
President ACT Veterans Cycling Club.

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2020
Members are advised that the Annual General Meeting
of the ACT Veterans Cycling Club will be held on :
Monday 17 February 2020
The Weston Club
1 Liardet St Weston
Commencing at 7:00 pm

– Items of Business should be advised to the Secretary 14 Days prior to the meeting to be considered at the meeting;

– Apologies also to the Secretary.

Details to be provided to the Secretary prior to the AGM, via email at secretary@actvets.cc

Phill Coulton
ACTVets Club Secretary

Members wishing to nominate for a Committee position can download a nomination form here

Registration Renewal for 2020
2020 membership renewals are now due to ensure that you are covered by insurance for 2020. To renew, go to https://memberdesq.sportstg.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=main&OrgID=10244 or follow the prompts via our website www.actvets.cc. Click on the Login link and enter your username and password from last year. If you have forgotten your username and/or password, go to the tab at the top right hand side of the screen and click on ‘Username & Password’ – then enter your email address as requested in the box that will appear. SportsTG will then forward you the information.

Before each race, a check has to be done of all those registered to race to ensure they are financial members and covered by insurance. As a courtesy to those committee members who work hard to ensure the club complies with the terms of our insurance cover and also produce the race results, please renew your membership at least 2 days prior to racing. Membership costs are:
– A full competitive membership for 2020 is $125
– Non-competitive membership for 2020 is $5

Upon renewal, your 2020 license will be emailed to you direct from SportsTG. Please print out a copy and it is suggested that you laminate it or place it in plastic for future reference during the year ahead. You will need to show this license if you enter events run by other Veteran Cycling Clubs or the AVCC.

Please ensure that your personal particulars are always kept up to date, in particular your emergency contact details. For those members with First Aid qualifications please also update the site. It is a member’s responsibility to keep these details updated via the SportsTG website.

Club members are expected to contribute to the running of the club and its events as specified in the Race Officiation Obligations.

Kirsti McVay
Membership Secretary

From the Desk of the Handicapper
This week’s promotions;
– Clinton Porteous C to B
– Gavin Stephens C to B

Rob Langridge

ACT Veterans Cycling Club Trophies and Medals
The club currently has a number of perpetual trophies, and also purchases and distributes individual trophies and medals for a range of events. The cost of purchasing and engraving trophies and medals has increased in recent years, as we have had to change suppliers. It also takes a substantive part of a committee member’s time and personal expense to organise trophies and medals throughout the year. A list of trophies and medals provided by the club, together with estimated costs are at;

The estimated TOTAL COST of trophies per annum is $2,500.

Often medals are prepared but are not collected. And, as we do not have a clubhouse to store them, trophies are presented to members and then have to be collected from members for the next year’s race.

The Committee would like to seek members’ views on options for dealing with trophies and medals.

Possible options are:
1. Status quo
2. Have ‘virtual’ medals, i.e. we have medals that are ‘presented’ for photos but members don’t keep them
3. Retain only championship trophies, i.e. for Road, TT and Crit
4. Have no trophies or medals

Please consider what approach the club should take with medals and trophies and provide feedback to committee members at committee@actvets.cc.

Event Traffic Controller’s Course – 15 February 2020
An Event Traffic Controllers (ETC) Course will be held on Saturday 15 February 2020 from 09:30-16:30. The venue for the course is the Office of Regulatory Services (TCCS Depot), 255 Canberra Ave, Fyshwick, ACT 2609. Enter to the Training Room is via Lithgow and Wiluna Streets.

An ETC qualification is required in order to be able to marshal at Club events in the ACT in any role requiring the stopping of traffic. We rely on a healthy stock of ETCs in order to be able to run road races in the ACT. The Club offers reimbursement to ETCs for their service at races, which is a nice way to subsidise your future race fees. The Club has negotiated with the ACT Government to provide the ETC course at no charge to the Club or members! It is completely free! There is also a live mentoring component which you can do at one of our ACT road races.

So, please, if you are not already an ETC, sign up for the course.

Members who already have an ETC qualification do not need to undertake the course again.

If you can attend, please contact Blended Learning International (our training partner), CEO Lisa Materano on Mobile: +61 438 134 558; or e-mail: lmaterano@blendedlearning.edu.au. Copy the Race Committee (race.committee@actvets.cc) on the e-mail so we can keep track of which of our members have enrolled.

2020 Australasian Masters Cycling Championships, NZ
The first Australasian Masters Cycling Championships will be held in New Zealand over Easter 2020. Details are on their Website: http://masterscycling.co.nz/

Australian Masters are also able enter the NZ age group championships the following week, details: https://age-group-road-nationals.cyclingnewzealand.nz/.

University Study
The University of Canberra and the Australian Institute of Sport are running a study examining the impact of exercise, sport and healthy living on the epigenetic signature of immune cells in various population groups. We are looking for highly active 65-80 year olds to undergo a blood test and answer some questions on activity levels and health history. The blood test would take place at the AIS and would take no more than 20 min.

If you are interested, please Email: nicole.vlahovich@canberra.edu.au.

Gunning Marshals
The Gunning 2 Day event will held on the weekend of the 2/3 May 2020. To be able to run the event, we need the assistance of Marshals, lead and tail drivers and general helpers.

Any members who are willing to assist, please contact the race committee (race.committee@actvets.cc).


Tuesday, 28th January: Stromlo Criterium – Graded Scratch
Please check announcements regarding Heat and Smoke Levels.

Where: Stromlo Forest Park
Sign on: 15 mins before scheduled start time wearing your registered number.
Race Description:
B/D 5:50 B 45m+2, D 40m+2
E/F/G 6:40 30 min + 2 laps
A/C 7:15 A 45m+2, C 40m+2

Race Director: Graham Tanton Contact: Email: grahamtanton@hotmail.com Ph 0419 880 078

Wednesday, 29th January: Track Racing
Note: Race session will be dependent on air quality assessment.

The Program for Wednesday is;
5.30pm – 6.00pm: Warm-up and free practice;
66.00pm – 6.20pm: 10-lap Graded Scratch;
6.20pm – 7.00pm: 2-lap match Race;
7.00pm – 7.20pm: Italian Pursuit.

Road Racing
Sunday, 2nd February: Tidbinbilla Handicap
Note: A fire has broken out in Namadgi National Park not far from Tidbinbilla. The Committee will be monitoring the threat this fire poses to the race and my need to cancel the event if the conditions deteriorate.

Where: Intersection of Tidbinbilla Reserve Rd and Paddy’s River Road approx 14 km from Point Hut Crossing. Parking: Off the road on either side of Paddy’s River Road. For road safety reasons, please DO NOT park on the corners of the intersection. Road traffic can be busy and dangerous, especially around the times we are finishing.
When: 9:00 am.
Sign on: 15 mins before scheduled start time wearing your registered number
Race Description:
Tidbinbilla Nature reserve to turn at power lines on hill before Point Hut Crossing T junction for 18km. 2 Laps for 36km.

Race Director: Owain Tilley Contact: Email: owaintilley@hotmail.com Ph 0420 526 076

Marshals: Robert Brunato (ETC), Christopher Short (ETC), Gavin Stephens

From the Race Committee
Upcoming Race Officials Roster
Rostered race officials are shown against each race in the Race Calendar http://rms.actvets.cc/calendar.

If your name is followed by TBC (To Be Confirmed) you need to contact the race committee as soon as possible to either confirm your attendance or to request a swap.

Empty race directors and marshal positions are denoted as Vacant. Some marshals for races in the ACT need to be Events Traffic Controllers (ETC) and appear as Vacant ETC.

Please review the vacancies for upcoming races and email the race committee with events you would like to help out at, rather than wait and be asked to help at a race you wanted to do.

Races cannot happen without members contributing to make them happen.

Ian McVay
Race Committee

Stromlo – 21st January
The evening provided the best racing conditions in nearly two months with clear skies and light winds. Kangaroos and ducks provided the biggest hazards of the night. Thanks to all who assisted in wildlife wrangling.

Grades E and F were the first to set out, both grades had a number of new riders (welcome to Vets Crit racing !!!). Both grades rode at a steady pace with no major breakaways, in the final sprints Tony Sheehan came out in 1st place followed by Penelope Anderson and Leanne Tennant. F grade was taken out by Shirly Anne Taylor (Visitor) followed by Mike Hayes and Sue Frost.

A and C grade were next to go, setting off at a cracking pace, A grade’s 10 lap average was roughly 42km/h, Steve Crispin broke away for a number of laps only to be reeled in by the pack, only to skip away with Jason Chalker. The pair built a quarter of a lap lead and would not be caught with Steve taking the honours from Jason, with Aaron Thomson taking Third.

C grade was another hard fought outing with Peter Merrick skipping away to nearly a half lap, we are not sure if the field chased Peter down or Peter sat up after seeing the handicapper at race HQ. With the bunch back together it settled in at a solid pace with Clinton Porteous taking the lead at the beginning of the last lap and was not headed with Gavin Stephens and Ben Davis following.

B grade started and quickly split, the average speed for the 10 lap was around 38.5 km/h coming back together with Paul Hollings riding away and setting a solid tempo in a solo effort, eventually Darren Blackhurst and Paul Ledbrook jumped across the gap and joined Paul, only for Paul to have too much in the tank at the end to take the win with Darren and Paul taking out 2nd and 3rd.

D grade race strongly through out with a number of riders sharing the effort up front. The group mostly stayed together with a sprint starting around the final bend with Kirsty Cummin proving quickest, followed by Russell Marston and Ian Morton.

Graham Tanton

Track Racing – 22nd January
Wednesday 22 January was quite a hot day, thankfully, with good air quality. There was a strong breeze creating a headwind in the back straight. However, the wind direction was favourable, keeping smoke from fresh airport grassfires well clear of the track. We had 12 riders with B grade in the majority.

The initial events were graded scratch races over eight laps. A Grade had four riders and began with lead outs by Tim Minehan, Martin Graham and Craig Kentwell. The pace ramped up steadily, discouraging attacks until lap 6, when Martin Graham surged off the front, pursued by Craig Kentwell. Martin proved impossible to catch. However, Craig’s pursuit earned him second place with Tim Minehan taking third.

The B grade scratch race started at a comfortable pace but quickly ramped up. The pack rolled through in a disciplined manner until lap 6 when Ian Drayton attacked from the front and soon gapped a tiring second rider. The remaining bunch quickly surged around the second rider. However, Ian proved too strong, holding his advantage to the line. Tony Beasley and Warwick Wilson fought it out for second and third placing respectively.

The second event was a 1-lap standing start time trial, essentially a timed sprint. Weather conditions were quite good for this event and good times were posted. Tim Minehan was the best in A grade with a time of 28.36 seconds. In B grade, James Newhouse (30.40s) narrowly beat Ian Drayton (30.50s) and Warwick Wilson (30.56s) for the win.

A 2-lap handicap followed the time trial. The first handicap was a combination of A and B grade riders. This was a very tight race with the A grade bunch just catching the B grade leaders as the final sprint commenced. Tim Minehan took out the event with a surge over the last half lap. Tony Beasley held a solid pace for the entire race and was rewarded with second place. The second handicap was all B grade riders. Graeme O’Neill created a little drama at the start, when his foot pulled out of a pedal. However, he held it together and finished safely in the infield. The remaining race was close fought. Ken Birch was on form and took advantage of a reasonable handicap to take the win. Ian Drayton, also in good form on the night, took second.

The final race was, as usual, an all-in Italian pursuit. The teams seemed quite evenly matched. However, by mid race, Team 2 had a slight advantage. John Paul De Sousa and Tim Minehan brought it home in exemplary fashion, providing a win to Team 2 by around 6 metres.

Place getters were as follows:
8-Lap Scratch: (A Grade) Martin Graham, Craig Kentwell, Tim Minehan. (B Grade) Ian Drayton, Tony Beasley, Warwick Wilson.
1-Lap SS TT: (A Grade): Tim Minehan (28.36s), Martin Graham (28.90s), John Paul De Sousa (29.32s). (B Grade) James Newhouse (30.40s), Ian Drayton (30.50s), Warwick Wilson (30.56s).
2-Lap Handicap: (Race 1 – A&B Grade) Tim Minehan, Tony Beasley, John Paul De Sousa. (Race 2 – B Grade) Ken Birch, Ian Drayton, James Newhouse.
Italian Pursuit: Winners – Team 2 (Martin Graham, John Paul De Sousa, Ross Scutts, Tony Beasley, Graeme O’Neill).

Season Point Score Update:
Tony Beasley (124), Ross Scutts (119), Martin Graham (117), Hamish Anderson (107), Warwick Wilson (103), Ken Birch (99), James Newhouse (97), John Paul De Sousa (96), Dougal Torrance (95), Phil Anderson (84), Michael Langdon (73).

Graeme O’Neill