ACT Veterans Cycling Club

Hello Vets,

In the Bleat this week;

•  From the Desk of the President

•  Racing in surrounding NSW in 2022

•  Racing this Week

Ian Morton

From the Desk of the President

Findings of the ACTVCC Evaluation Report

The Committee engaged an external evaluator in 2020 to conduct an evaluation of ACTVCC, to look at how well we engage with our members and target group, and how this could be improved. The Committee would like to thank Erin Barry for her work to undertake the evaluation and produce the report, and to thank the many Vets members, former members and other people who participated in this evaluation.

Erin has provided an abbreviated version of the full report, which summarises the key findings and includes the recommendations. A link to the report that can be found using Google drive

The Committee welcomes the report, which provides valuable feedback from members and considerations about how we could build upon the existing strengths of the club. We have been discussing the report’s recommendations and considering what the next steps might be, noting the limited capacity of the Committee to take on additional work. We are seeking interested persons to assist us in implementing some of the findings, for example:

  • Someone with communications experience/expertise who would be interested in developing and implementing a member’s engagement communications strategy.
  • If you have capacity and experience and are would like to work with the race committee to support race logistics.
  • If you’re a cycling coach and could help with coaching sessions or give members regular tips or training.
  • If you have an interest in mentoring or being involved in a ‘buddy-rider’ program for inexperienced racers.

If you are interested in supporting the Club in any of these or other report recommendations areas, please contact me at

Seymour Savell-Boss
ACT Vets Cycling Club President.

Racing in surrounding NSW in 2022

Work for the 2022 race program is commencing with some 21 races in NSW planned. Racing in NSW this year did not occur as councils (in February) requested updated traffic management plans and more detailed information in the application than previously required.

But the key challenge is meeting NSW traffic marshal requirements. The ACT Government has not been able to get ACT ETC qualifications recognised in NSW.

We have been running races in NSW using ‘Traffic Marshals’ – who can’t control traffic, only cyclists.

We need people with NSW ‘Traffic Controller’ and ‘Implement traffic control plan’ qualifications (the latter being able to correctly interpret a traffic management plan for signage).

This will require sufficient numbers of club members acquiring accreditation to support the 21 races. Discussions with training providers are underway and advice on dates will be provided as soon as they are locked in.

Training is expected to require a full day. Your NSW qualifications are also national qualifications and will cover you in the ACT as well.

Chris Short


Saturday, 14th August – no scheduled race