In this week’s Bleat;
• From the Desk of the Vice President
• Racing this Week
Ian Morton
From the Desk of the Vice President
Yass Graded Scratch this Saturday
We are still looking for a Race Director, First Aid, Marshal, and a lead/follow car driver. Without these, the race won’t run! So if you have raced this year and haven’t volunteered, plus consider stepping up and supporting your club. Please email if you can assist.
Feedback on NSW Racing
Thanks to all those members who have contributed feedback about NSW racing.
David Parker
CRMCC Vice President
ps Don’t forget there is Zwift racing on Tuesday evenings.
Saturday, 18th June – Yass Graded Scratch
Reminder: All riders must register on the CRMCC Web site ( by 17/6/2022 8:00 PM prior to the race. There is no registration at the event.
Any requests for Grade changes should be sorted out with the Handicapper prior to registration.
Where: Park just north of intersection of Orion St and Cook Hill Drive, Yass.
When: 1:30 pm.
Race Description:
Race is 50km.
Start/finish at Cooks Hill Rd approx 200m North of Discovery Drive. Ride North 15km to turnaround point. Ride 5km back and turn left onto Blakney Ck Rd. Ride 10km to turnaround point. Ride 10km back and turn left onto Cooks Hill Rd. Ride 10km back to start/finish.
Race Director: tba Contact: Email: tba Ph tba
Marshals: Chris Copeland, Vacant, Vacant, Vacant, Van driver – Matt Hinchcliffe