Our old was antique. So we’re upgrading. The first step is the release of this beta. It will be used to iron out the wrinkles. Member feedback is important so tell us what you think.
- Streamlined publishing
- New information architecture along with a content refresh
- Icons to enable quick links to the key functions in the RMS
- Fully repsonsive design to optimise the site for mobile phones
Next steps
- Install a plugin to display our Twitter feed on the homepage – this requires a code from Twitter
- Add icons and links to promote our new Facebook group and Twitter feeds
- Setup a Vets admin account for Facebook – this will allow auto-posting to Facebook to be enabled
- Explore integrate a mail campaign tool to auto-create the Bleat and track email newsletter
- Switching to a premium plan for the WordPress hosting – this will provide additional functionality and remove the bonus ads
- Once we’re on a premium plan we can switch over of the www.actvets.cc domain
- Add a link to old site to enable members to access the archive
- Continue to migrate content as it is required on the new site
- Training committee members to publish news and make content updates
- Grab some high quality images to use on the banners of various pages and posts
Possible enhancements
- Adding a ‘for sale’ area
- Integration with the RMS calendar using a WordPress ‘ical’ plugin – this could be used to enable ‘upcoming events’ be automatically listed on the homepage
March 7, 2017 at 6:48 am
Well done guys, a great improvement over the ‘old’ site. Looks fresh and clean and certainly working very well on my first visit to the site. Feel fee to use any of the photos I have supplied the club over the years to get more images interactive.