Masters, In this week’s Bleat;

  • What do Members want?
  • From the Race Committee – Sutton Super Series
  • Racing this Week
  • Race Reports

“I’m from Holland, and I’m used to rain”. Marianne Vos – Dutch Pro Cyclist

CRMCC – ideas / options

Since February’s AGM the committee has been working on priorities for the next twelve months, including progressing the outcomes of the survey done some time back. What has become obvious is that as a volunteer group with plenty of commitments outside riding, racing, training and spring classics we can only achieve so much on top of the day-to-day running of the club. Unfortunately, something always has to give and in this instance it’s those ‘nice to haves’ that help CRMCC remain the club of choice in our region. Improving the club and giving members more of what they want is still a priority, which is why we’re trialing a different road series format this year but we’re aware more is needed. The committee’s solution is to invite willing members to form a group to look at ways to improve the CRMCC experience and make the club sustainable into the future. Our hope is that this group will come back to the committee with ideas and options, or just the brutal truth about what you the members do or don’t want out of your membership. This may sound like some grass roots focus group conceived in an episode of Utopia but the reality is the committee can only do so much, and we need member buy-in. If you are interested in being a part of the group or have something else you’d love to champion (e.g. Social Coordinator) please reach out to Craig Tozer via the mailbox, or give me a call to chat on 0414 157 765 (I do a mean Rob Sitch impersonation!). 

Craig Tozer – CRMCC Secretary

From the Race Committee

Sutton Super Series Kicks off this Saturday!

This Saturday marks the beginning of the Sutton Road Training Centre Super Series. Six races will be held over the winter season at the Sutton Road Training Centre with riders accumulating the points gained from their places as they appear in the RMS:
1st 10 points
2nd 8 points
3rd 6 points
4th 4 points
5th 3 points
6th 2 points

Riders with the most points accumulated at the end of the series will be crowned champions for their grade.

Here are the main rules:

  1. The final round will be worth double points and riders that participate in all races will get a bonus 12 points.
  2. Prizes such as gift vouchers will be presented after the final race for first, second and third places.
  3. Riders must compete in the final race to receive the prize.
  4. Riders who are promoted will take their points with them to the higher grade.
  5. Point scores will be kept for each grade and updated after each round. 
  6. If more than one rider finishes with the same final score, a countback system of overall results will determine the higher place getter.
  7. The races may not all be scratch races, but a points race is another option.

If you are intending to compete, please make yourself familiar with the rules. Any feedback will be welcome prior to the first race but it might be difficult to make changes to the format after that.

Crankys Bicycle Worx Voucher

Another $180 Cranky’s Bicycle Worx voucher will be drawn by Excel random number selection on Saturday. You could be the lucky person this time so don’t miss out.

Rob Langridge – Race committee


*Saturday* 15 April, 1.30pm – Sutton Driver Training Course – Graded Scratch Race

Directions: Sutton Driver training centre
Approx 0.5 km along Sutton Rd from intersection of Sutton Rd and Pialligo Avenue

Cutoff registration 14/04/2023 9:30 PM
Jason Irwin – Race Director – ( 0434710310 )
Van Driver – needed
Robert Craine, Simon Whitehead – Marshals
Please advise the Race Committee ( if you can assist.


Addenda – CRMCC Criterium 28 March 23

F Grade – also raced on the night of the 28th; with Lyndsay Graham 1st, and Mijo Spoljaric 2nd.

Michael Langdon