In its first iteration since the AGM, the Committee met last night for over 2 hours via Zoom. We discussed a range of issues including recognising members’ service and contributions to the Club, improving volunteering for various roles to run races, and training ETCs and Race Directors so that we can race in NSW more cost-effectively. We discussed how only a few regular people come forward to volunteer their time by contributing back into the Club. The Committee is working a more equitable approach and is considering options like making it mandatory to volunteer for events to remain eligible to actively race with the club.  If you haven’t volunteered in a while (or even at all, yes, we can see you) since you’ve been a member, then this is your chance to step up before we contact you to ask if you can help out.  Please contact us at

In recognition of the hard work and commitment that goes into driving the van, controlling traffic, or directing road races, the Committee voted to incentivise and offer an honorarium in the amount of up to $200 per event to those club members who fulfil these roles for open road races (but not criteriums). This policy is the culmination of many months of committee work and we thank past and present committee members for their input. At the centre of the use case of this policy, is a consideration of members who are no longer racing who may want to remain connected to the club by helping out as a race ‘official’.


CRMCC President