Hello Vets,
In the Bleat this week;
- COVID-19
- Head Injuries
- 2020 Australasian Masters Cycling Championships, NZ
- Gunning Marshals
- Racing this Week
- From the Race Committee
- Race Reports
Please send me your contributions at: TheBleat@actvets.cc
Ian Morton
At its March meeting, the committee discussed the impact the Covid-19 virus may have on the club. The virus may impact racing over the course of the next few months, however the club is not planning any unilateral actions. We will be following Government and health professionals’ advice with regards to undertaking racing and providing updates on any recommended changes. Our primary concern is the wellbeing of members. If members or their families do become ill and require help, please contact the club committee and we will try and assist if possible.
How can we help prevent the spread of coronavirus?
Practicing good hand hygiene and sneeze/cough hygiene is the best defence against most viruses:
- Wash hands frequently with soap and water, before and after eating, and after going to the toilet,
- Cover coughs and sneezes, dispose of tissues, and use alcohol-based hand sanitiser, and
- If unwell, avoid contact with others (touching, kissing, hugging, and other intimate contact).
More information can be found on the Australian Government web site at: https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert#current-status
Head Injuries
A couple of recent accidents have involved head injuries. The club employs the services of trained SMA 1st aiders to attend races. They will assess the extent of injuries and provide advice as per the following form. Sometimes we have our own qualified 1st aiders helping at events. The usual approach in this instance will be to either have an ambulance attend, or have the injured rider taken to see a health professional, e.g. at a hospital.
Riders who have suffered a head injury should not return to racing without medical clearance.
Gunning Marshals
The Gunning 2 Day event will held on the weekend of the 2/3 May 2020. To be able to run the event, we need the assistance of marshals, lead and tail drivers and general helpers.
All helpers are reimbursed for this event. We currently only have one helper and need 6 each day to run the event.
Family members and friends are OK to come and assist as volunteers. If you are willing to assist, please contact the race committee (race.committee@actvets.cc).
Tuesday, 10th March: Stromlo Criterium
Where: Stromlo Forest Park
Sign on: 15 mins before scheduled start time wearing your registered number.
Race Description:
B/D 5:50 B 30m+2, D 25m+2
E/F/G 6:25 E/F/G 22 m + 2
A/C 6:55 A 30m+2, C 25m+2
Race Director: Wayne Shippley Contact: Email: wshipple@bigpond.net.au Ph 0403 197 831
Marshal: Craig O’Neall
Wednesday, 11th March: Track Racing
The Program for Wednesday is;
5.30pm – 6.00pm: Warm-up and free practice;
6.00pm – 6.20pm: 8-lap Graded Scratch;
6.20pm – 6.50pm: 2-lap Match Race (Omnium Event);
6.50pm – 7.10pm: 2-Lap Handicap;
7.10pm – 7.30pm: Italian Pursuit.
Road Racing
Sunday, 15th March: Old Federal Highway – Handicap
Where: Turn left off new Federal Hwy (dual carriageway) onto Shingle Hill Way. The intersection is signposted to Gundaroo and approx 9 km past the Sutton Rd overpass. Park in gravel pit on corner of next intersection about 100 m in from highway.
When: 9:00 am.
Sign on: 15 mins before scheduled start time wearing your registered number
Race Description:
All Grades 3 Laps
Race Director: Mark K Taylor Contact: Email: markandanita4u@bigpond.com Ph: 0408 884 984
Marshals: Jeremy Drape, James Newhouse, Lance Purdon, Nick Boylan
From the Race Committee
Upcoming Race Officials Roster
Rostered race officials are shown against each race in the Race Calendar http://rms.actvets.cc/calendar.
If your name is followed by TBC (To Be Confirmed) you need to contact the race committee as soon as possible to either confirm your attendance or to request a swap.
Empty race directors and marshal positions are denoted as Vacant. Some marshals for races in the ACT need to be Events Traffic Controllers (ETC) and appear as Vacant ETC.
Please review the vacancies for upcoming races and email the race committee with events you would like to help out at, rather than wait and be asked to help at a race you wanted to do.
Races cannot happen without members contributing to make them happen.
Ian McVay
Race Committee
Track Racing – 4th March
Wednesday’s track racing session was washed out by rain. Points scores remain unchanged, as follows:
Omnium Championship Points:
James Newhouse (8), John Paul De Sousa (7), Steve Hirsler (5), Ben Davis (5), Graeme O’Neill (5), Phil Coulton (5), Dougal Torrance (4), Rowan McMurray (4), Ken Birch (3), Hamish Anderson (3), Ross Scutts (3).
Season Point Score:
Ross Scutts (174), Tony Beasley (160), James Newhouse (146), Ken Birch (145), John Paul De Sousa (145), Hamish Anderson (139), Martin Graham (137), Dougal Torrance (131), Phil Coulton (111), Warwick Wilson (103).
Graeme O’Neill