At tonight’s Annual General Meeting all of the 2023 committee positions were spilled, and I nominated and received support to become the next President of CRMCC for 2024.
It’s important to recognise the outgoing President Kim Malcolm for leading us through the past couple of tough years, the outgoing Club Secretary Craig Tozer, and the outgoing Treasurer Kevin Woods.
I thank them for their enormous contributions over their respective years in the committee. We also recognised the contributions of Ian Morton, and inducted him as a Life Member of the club.
I am also pleased and relieved to be working again with David Parker (Vice President), Rob Langridge (Club handicapper), Chris Short (Race committee) and Ed Logue who has offered to take on The Bleat, and look after race results.
We welcomed new committee members Simon Costello (Treasurer), Damian Copeland (Secretary) and general committee members David Buckley and Brian Peak.
Please take a moment to recognise your new committee members should you see them, and thank them for stepping us as club volunteers to help keep club operations ticking over.
We are still looking for someone to take on the role of Membership officer, and we have a need to fill some gaps in the following areas of expertise:
- Database, web and IT systems – someone who can liaise with a developer to improve functionality of RMS and email comms
- ETC coordinator – someone who can coordinate signage, inventory, and interpret TMPs and provide advice to ETCs
- Van coordinator – someone with experience in motor vehicles to work through various mechanical issues and liaise with service providers when needed
Our 2024 membership is 204 strong, with 3 officials, 21 female members, 180 male members, 1 non-binary. Since the start of 2024, we have inducted 12 new members, with many having come from taking out a trial membership first.
Over the next 12 months as your President while working with the committee, it is my intention to implement a 6 point plan:
• Introduce direct communication with each of our diverse ‘cycling clans’, where each clan has a representative that attends quarterly meetings that are 30mins in length, that address upcoming race organisational issues. This opportunity allows us to get some regular reciprocal multilateral communication and engagement going with our core membership. I’ll be making contact with these clans soon. If you’re not a member of a ‘cycling clan’, we will also provide the same opportunity to independent and unattached racers.
• Train and mentor these clan representatives in hope that they become actively engaged in the club, and which may prepare them for committee representation later down the line
• Continue to offer flagship events in NSW, Gunning and working with known and unknown constraints
• Implement efficiencies of scale such an annual criterium pass if cost effective, results management and recording, and review our comms plan and protocol with our membership
• Look to see how we can incorporate the popular events on trend into our program, such as gravel participation rides, training rides for gran fondos, new criterium courses other than SFP and SDTC
• Dedicated roles for results coordinator/management, Comms, and improved knowledge and management of database and results integration
We will also look to distribute the pulse survey results as soon as we have compiled them.
CRMCC President