A few weeks ago I was contacted by the a reporter from the ABC, Hannah Walmsley, who was wanting to interview some of our more “experienced” members on how they managed to stay fit and motivated in Canberra’s winter temperatures. After a short panic from me about who our oldest riders were (and thanks to the Board on helping me at short notice) Lindsay Graham stepped up to be interviewed. Thanks go to Lindsay for his story – and the plug for the club. The story can be found here: http://abc.net.au/news/2017-06-11/meet-the-grandmasters-of-competition-sport-in-canberra/8604188?pfmredir=sm.


As always, I’m happy to hear from members about anything club related. Email me at President@actvets.cc. Several of you have provided feedback over the past few months and I’ll be incorporating these issues to take to the Board meeting in a few weeks. Thanks again for your comments.

I received the following email in my inbox after Saturday’s race up Honeysuckle creek climb;
“I kinda snuck off without thanking the race team for an awesome event this afternoon. Love that climb. Have had a smile on my dial all night thinking about it.
Could you pass on my thanks to Ben and the team?

I’m particularly proud that many of you take the time at the end of the race to thank marshals, race directors and the ever present “van man” Graham Hendrie.

See you on the road.

Dougal Torrance
Rider #428
ACT Veterans Cycling Club