Hello Vets,
In the Bleat this week;
- From the Desk of the President
- From the Desk of the Handicapper
- Racing this Week
- Race Report
- Gunning 2 Day Event
Please send me your contributions at: TheBleat@actvets.cc
Ian Morton
From the Desk of the President
Gunning 2 day
Get your entries in for the Gunning Two Day ASAP. There’s 154km of racing over two days for the higher grades and 104km for E, F, G, Tandem. Total cost is $35. All of this with a lunch thrown in!
Challenge a friend to race. The three race format will give you bragging rights for the whole year!
Racing starts at 10 am on Saturday. With the time bonuses and the Prolog weekend racing will be all about strategy.
After all the efforts to reschedule the race I would love to see as many members racing as possible.
Track racing on again
Whilst the Criterium series remains ever popular (and rightly so) I encourage members to come out and try a track race or two. Racing in on Wednesdays at the “Bundahdome” in Narrabundah. As I found out when I started track last year, there’s lot’s of support at the races themselves. If it’s lack of a track bike that sets you back we can probably arrange a loaner. I’m personally using a steel framed messenger bike with a few mods that works well and cost next to nothing.
Committee Positions
I”ve only had a minimal amount of interest in the Women’s Participatation Advisor and the Promotions Officer. I’m going to close the nominations for these positions in one week. Please email me if interested. I’m particularly interested in someone to help the committee and I promote the club.
Dougal Torrence
ACTVets Club President
ps Additional Marshalls are required to assist at Gunning. If you can help out, please contact billfrost@bigpond.com.
Important Note: Members travelling to Gunning on Saturday morning via Sutton Rd should be aware that the Gundaroo Music Festival is on the 14th and congestion may be experienced trying to get through Gundaroo.
From the Desk of the Handicapper
Despite the fact we’ve only had one race, I’ve made a few changes based on form demonstrated last Tuesday.
Chris Kon C to B
Bryan Holloway C to B
David McCook B to A
Rob Langridge B to A
For the others who’ve self-graded themselves down could you please contact me so that I can make the necessary changes in the RMS if you’ve really let yourself go over the winter.
I’ll be checking the Gunning entries very closely this week to ensure we have similar abilities in all grades except A and G. Any downgrades at this stage will come with conditions attached.
Rob Langridge
Club handicapper
Tuesday, 10th October: Stromlo Criterium
Note: The new Race Fee of $10 per event is in effect.
Where: Stromlo Forest Park
Sign on: 15 mins before scheduled start time wearing your registered number.
Race Description:
B/D 5:50 B 25m+2, D 22m+2 laps
E/F/G 6:20 E/F/G 20 m + 2 laps
A/C 6:45 A 25m+2, C 22m+2
Race Director: Mick Donaldson
Contact: Email: mdonaldson@netspeed.com.au Ph 0418486367
Marshal: If anyone is able to assist Mick either before their race or after their race, in particular the B/D race up first, can you please let him know.
Wednesday, 11th October: Track Racing
The Program for Wednesday is as follows:
5.30pm – 6.00pm: Warm-up and free practice;
6.00pm – 6.20pm: 8-lap graded scratch race;
6.20pm – 7.00pm: 2 Lap Handicap;
7.00pm – 7.10pm: Italian Pursuit.
Stromlo – 3rd October
A great start to the Crit season with a brilliant spring evening. 82 riders over all grades took part to kick off the season. All races were 20 minutes plus 2 laps.
Our first group of riders were E,F & G grades to start off the evening.
E grade had 14 riders and started with a couple of surges early on with a couple off the front including Annie Wren, however, they were back in the group after a couple of laps. Eventually the final lap came down to a sprint finish with Alison Hale winning from Allan Bontjer who was followed closely by Frank O’Sullivan third and several others.
F Grade took a more measured approach with the majority of its group of 7 staying together until the end with a sprint finish resulting in Edward Joliffe first, followed by Mike Hayes and then Dennis Puniard.
G grade had a sole rider in Bernie Crowe who circulated with poise and control until the end. Well done Bernie.
The second group away were A and C grade.
A grade had 14 riders and a group of 4 broke early and were eventually brought back to the group by lap 3. A group of 10 stayed together until near the end with the sprint finish being fast and furious resulting in Ben Morrison winning from Mark Harris second and Paul Conner 3rd.
C grade maintained a group of 13 of its 14 starters right up to the end with Christopher Kon winning from Bryan Holloway followed by Conan Liu.
The final group away for the evening were B & D Grade who were finished in fading light.
B grade had a group of 3 split away from the pack of 16 starters very early and were able to maintain the pace through to the end and thus determining the first 3 positions. First was Rob Langridge followed closely by David McCook and Rainer Wilton 3rd. The rest of the pack gradually broke up over the race with group of 7 sprinting for the line next.
D grade took a more sedate approach with a large group of 16 staying together for most of the race before the final sprint. This was tight but our front finishers were Sean Fleming first, Michael Reppion second and Trevor Matthews third.
A great start to the season and thanks to those who helped spot on the finishing line after or before their own race.
Just a reminder to all to take care on corners and hold your line. A couple of instances riders cut off those on the inside lane around the tight bends. Also when on the straights do not make sudden changes of line without being aware of those alongside or behind. We had an instance in the final lap being called and a rider having to avoid collision by ending up on the grass and was able to continue to the finish but had lost a lot of momentum and ground.
Thank you to our fist time Marshall in Sue Duckett. A good start for all.
Race Referee
Kim Malcolm
Gunning 2 Day Event
Your chance to race 154km over two days! (or 104km for E, F, G, Tandem) and Lunch – all for a measly $35.
The club’s signature event, the Gunning two day race, is on over the weekend of the 14/15 October. Saturday starts at 10:00 am with a 4km uphill Prologue just to make it interesting!
For those that groaned at an uphill prologue, we’ve decided to make it interesting by throwing in bonus time on Stage 1! Again, for stage 2, time bonuses will be on offer so a good strategy will be key!
Bill Frost has kindly volunteered to be the Race referee for the two days. In order to run the event, he requires the assistance of Marshals, Escort Drivers and General Helpers to assist.
Payment of $30 per day is available to offset petrol costs and other expenses.
If you are willing to help, please contact Bill at: billfrost@bigpond.com
A Portaloo has been booked. We are looking for a volunteer to help with towing duties. If someone is staying in Gunning on Saturday evening and would be able to tow it back to their accommodation overnight, that would save having to tow it back to Canberra.
Please contact Ian McVay imcvay@grapevine.com.au Ph 62317523 if you can assist.
The cost will be $35 for the race and you must be a current member of the club within the AVCC. Please note that we do not have day licences available.
Riders will need to bring their helmet to the registration desk for inspection. Please note that it is an AVCC requirement that all riders must wear a helmet which meets Australian Standards.
Riders must have started the previous stage to compete the next stage. (i.e. if you don’t ride Saturday then you cannot start on Sunday)
To register go to;
Click on;
Click Here To Register
Select either;
Select the $35 entry fee then click;
Enter your username and password and click.
Note that this is the username and password that you received when you first registered for the IMG system. If you cannot find your site login, go to the site login page; https://memberdesq.sportstg.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=login&OrgID=10244 and click the ‘Forgot your Password?‘ Button. Enter your Email address (the one you used to register) and a new password will be sent to you.
One you have logged in, the system will show your membership details. Click;
Confirm that you are entering as an Individual or Tandem then click;
Click on;
Submit Now & Pay Online
Enter your credit card details and press;
To confirm your payment, click;
Submit Payment
Your transaction will be confirmed and an email sent to your registered email address.
Once you have finished, click;
If you have any problems, contact: Ian Morton
DAY 1: Saturday 14th October 2017
Prologue will start at 10:00am and riders will be sent off at 30 second intervals.
Note if you miss your allocated time you will be sent off at the discretion of the Race Referee.
The following limitation apply to the Prologue
- No Disc Wheels or wheel covers
- No Time Trial specific helmets
- No Time Trial bars either specific or clip on
Tri Spoke or other deep dish wheels are allowed as long as the rim does not exceed 10cm.
Stage 1
Stage 1 will start at 1:30pm and riders will be sent off by grade.
Stage 1 is 50km for all grades.
A revised bonus time will be allocated on both primes for the first three positions (1st – 7 seconds, 4nd – 2 seconds and 3rd 2 seconds) and for the first five positions (1st – 5 seconds, 2nd – 4 seconds, 3rd – 3 seconds, 4th – 2 seconds and 5th – 1 second) at the finish.
DAY 2: Sunday 15th October 2017
Stage 2
The course length will depend on grade:
- A, B, C, D will complete 100km (Note: A Water Bottle will be provided for riders on the Second Lap)
- E, F, G, Tandem will complete 50km
Stage 2 will start at 10:00am for the following grades A, B, C, D with 2 min between grades.
Stage 2 will start at 11:00am for the following grades G, E, F, Tandem with 2 min between grades.
A revised bonus time will be allocated to each grade on both primes for the first three positions (1st – 7 seconds, 2nd – 4 seconds and 3rd 2 seconds) and for the first five positions (1st – 5 seconds, 2nd – 4 seconds, 3rd – 3 seconds, 4th – 2 seconds and 5th – 1 second) at the finish.
Presentations will be held in the Hall in the Showground commencing at 1:45 pm. Lunch will be provided for all riders and officials.